Dagnabit, We Got a Big One!

That's the title of Jack Kelly's column today. As usual, it's a terrific read. Here's a portion of it:
But if the loss of Zarqawi the man won't hurt al Qaida all that much, the loss of Zarqawi the legend is devastating. "As he committed atrocity after atrocity, seemingly with impunity, Zarqawi became a mythic figure in part of the world where mythology has vastly more cachet than reality," said former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy.

Zarqawi's death is a huge psychological and political boost to the fledgling Iraqi government. Iraqis danced in the streets. Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki pushed through a parliament giddy at the news his choices for the critical ministries of defense and interior (which is in charge of the police), finally completing formation of his government.
As usual, Jack nails it. Not only does Zarqawi's death give al-Maliki's government a major victory on the same day that they completed their unity government; Zarqawi's death also eliminates his mythic status as being able to evade the Great Satan.

Make sure to read the entire thing.

Posted Friday, June 9, 2006 11:04 AM

May 2006 Posts

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