Catholic Priest Denounces Source Used for DCCC Ad

That's the title of Ivy Sellers' Human Events article about the DCCC's ad featuring a doctored photo of Tom DeLay. Here's Rev. Thomas J. Euteneuer's objection:
The latest slap in the face to Catholic voters is the Democratic use of a web photo in a recent advertisement from the profane website, Despite their recent verbal gymnastics in explaining to people of faith that the Democratic Party respects their values, their actions and public statements have consistently demonstrated otherwise.
I just visited the Chickenhead website and had to quickly leave because I found it so disgusting. Their least objectionable graphic said that "Religion kills people dead." Another objectionable link was to something titled "Hark! The Herald Demons Sing! Glory to the Absolute Bottom 50 SIGNS OF THE APOCALYPSE!" which I thought was utterly disgusting. Believe it or not, that wasn't the most objectionable link on the page. That link was so bad I wouldn't repeat it in front of children. Shame on Chickenhead for such a vulgar website. Shame on the DCCC for using anything from their website.

I can't blame Rev. Euteneuer for being upset. In fact, I'm upset right alongside of him. What bothers me most is that Democrats used a photoshopped picture of DeLay from such a Christian-hating website. As Rev. Euteneuer points out, Democrats have said that they want to reach out to Christians. Based on their use of this website for a campaign ad, I'd say they don't really care about Christians.

Remember the handwringing following the 2004 election when Democrats tried 'courting' so-called values voters? Howard Dean was out saying things like "Making sure everyone has health care is a moral value" and "There's a battle between good and evil, and we're the good", which I'll guarantee won't connect with evangelical Christians like myself.

The Democrats that put that video together have set their party back farther with faith voters than if they'd just kept their mouths shut. Their talk about reaching out to people of faith is just that: talk. Based on their using anything from that website, it's obvious that they don't care how it affects people of faith. If it's used to trash Republicans, they're ok with it.

Consider this as additional proof that they're utterly clueless when it comes to religion. The truth is that it's difficult to picture their message appealing to faith voters.

Here's my favorite Euteneuer quote:
"I can only assume that the Democrats are using Howard Stern as their general consultant for faith-based outreach."
Either Stern or Larry Flynt would be my guess.

Posted Friday, July 14, 2006 11:53 PM

June 2006 Posts

Comment 1 by Smarter than you at 03-Aug-06 07:03 AM
Religion has been the source of so much unfounded hatered leading to the deaths of millions. Chickenhead uses irony to highlight this point. The Absolute Bottom 50 lists are sarcastic epithets for ridiculous situations. The Chickenhead website is not to be taken seriously. In fact, that's what the writers want; if you take it seriously you run the risk of not laughing.

As for the DCCC using Chickenhead's copyrighted material in their own advertisements for a product known as politicians, it is shameful. It is shameful that the DCCC does not ask permission and does not give credit where credit is due. Almost as shameful as making a fuss over a video game already rated as M with obvious adult themes accessible without hacking "mod" programs. The only thing that even comes close to being shameful is your packaged shame for Chickenhead, and the false corealtions manufactured by Thomas J. Euteneuer et. al.

Comment 2 by Smarter than you at 03-Aug-06 07:12 AM
Oh, and to show how little you know about the ethics of Chickenhead, here's a direct quote from their site, still on the front page this whole time...

"Recently, we were astonished to see this artwork featured prominently in a TV advertisement produced by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. This usage is unauthorized. Chickenhead was not compensated for its use, nor does Chickenhead endorse the contents of said advertisement."

Comment 3 by BJ at 11-Apr-07 10:57 PM
Hi! I thought you and your readers might be interested in some post-Easter news about Pope Benedict XVI...

The Pope's car is being auctioned off to raise money for Habitat for Humanity:

The bidding is already more than $200,000! Personally, I think this is a really fun and creative way to raise

money. The auction goes until April 14th if you and your readers want to check it out.
Catholic Priest Denounces Source Used for DCCC Ad That's the title of Ivy Sellers' Human Events article about the DCCC's ad featuring a doctored photo of Tom DeLay. Here's Rev. Thomas J. Euteneuer's objection:
The latest slap in the face to Catholic voters is the Democratic use of a web photo in a recent advertisement from the profane website, Despite their recent verbal gymnastics in explaining to people of faith that the Democratic Party respects their values, their actions and public statements have consistently demonstrated otherwise.
I just visited the Chickenhead website and had to quickly leave because I found it so disgusting. Their least objectionable graphic said that "Religion kills people dead." Another objectionable link was to something titled "Hark! The Herald Demons Sing! Glory to the Absolute Bottom 50 SIGNS OF THE APOCALYPSE!" which I thought was utterly disgusting. Believe it or not, that wasn't the most objectionable link on the page. That link was so bad I wouldn't repeat it in front of children. Shame on Chickenhead for such a vulgar website. Shame on the DCCC for using anything from their website.

I can't blame Rev. Euteneuer for being upset. In fact, I'm upset right alongside of him. What bothers me most is that Democrats used a photoshopped picture of DeLay from such a Christian-hating website. As Rev. Euteneuer points out, Democrats have said that they want to reach out to Christians. Based on their use of this website for a campaign ad, I'd say they don't really care about Christians.

Remember the handwringing following the 2004 election when Democrats tried 'courting' so-called values voters? Howard Dean was out saying things like "Making sure everyone has health care is a moral value" and "There's a battle between good and evil, and we're the good", which I'll guarantee won't connect with evangelical Christians like myself.

The Democrats that put that video together have set their party back farther with faith voters than if they'd just kept their mouths shut. Their talk about reaching out to people of faith is just that: talk. Based on their using anything from that website, it's obvious that they don't care how it affects people of faith. If it's used to trash Republicans, they're ok with it.

Consider this as additional proof that they're utterly clueless when it comes to religion. The truth is that it's difficult to picture their message appealing to faith voters.

Here's my favorite Euteneuer quote:
"I can only assume that the Democrats are using Howard Stern as their general consultant for faith-based outreach."
Either Stern or Larry Flynt would be my guess.

Posted Friday, July 14, 2006 11:53 PM

June 2006 Posts

Comment 1 by Smarter than you at 03-Aug-06 07:03 AM
Religion has been the source of so much unfounded hatered leading to the deaths of millions. Chickenhead uses irony to highlight this point. The Absolute Bottom 50 lists are sarcastic epithets for ridiculous situations. The Chickenhead website is not to be taken seriously. In fact, that's what the writers want; if you take it seriously you run the risk of not laughing.

As for the DCCC using Chickenhead's copyrighted material in their own advertisements for a product known as politicians, it is shameful. It is shameful that the DCCC does not ask permission and does not give credit where credit is due. Almost as shameful as making a fuss over a video game already rated as M with obvious adult themes accessible without hacking "mod" programs. The only thing that even comes close to being shameful is your packaged shame for Chickenhead, and the false corealtions manufactured by Thomas J. Euteneuer et. al.

Comment 2 by Smarter than you at 03-Aug-06 07:12 AM
Oh, and to show how little you know about the ethics of Chickenhead, here's a direct quote from their site, still on the front page this whole time...

"Recently, we were astonished to see this artwork featured prominently in a TV advertisement produced by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. This usage is unauthorized. Chickenhead was not compensated for its use, nor does Chickenhead endorse the contents of said advertisement."

Comment 3 by BJ at 11-Apr-07 10:57 PM
Hi! I thought you and your readers might be interested in some post-Easter news about Pope Benedict XVI...

The Pope's car is being auctioned off to raise money for Habitat for Humanity:

The bidding is already more than $200,000! Personally, I think this is a really fun and creative way to raise

money. The auction goes until April 14th if you and your readers want to check it out.

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