Campaign Chicanery?

When I read this article, I couldn't help but be skeptical of this litigant's motives.

A shareholder in an insurance company on Tuesday sued a former executive who is running for U.S. Senate, claiming that his $28 million payout upon leaving his job was fraudulent and wasteful. The claim against Republican candidate Mike McGavick resembles criticism from state Democrats, who have filed a federal campaign complaint about what they called his improper "golden parachute" after leaving Safeco Insurance Co.

You've got to be skeptical when someone as 'Democratic-biased' as the AP mentions the similarity between the lawsuit that "state Democrats" filed and Emma Schwartzman's lawsuit. Mr. McGavick immediately shot back:

"These allegations regarding my compensation are without merit and obviously politically inspired," he said in a statement. "It is sad that my opponents insist on dragging Safeco into the mean-spirited political process."

I like the campaign that McGavick is running. His campaign schedule has taken him to the people, which is the crucial first step. Based on this report, I'd say that he's got a rock-solid communications team. From other reports that I've read, he isn't hiding from the voters' questions. That's how you make durable connections with voters.

Posted Wednesday, August 2, 2006 1:37 PM

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