Bon Voyage?

People are finally turning on "Pinch" Sulzberger according to this American Thinker post by Thomas Lifson. First, here's why it matters:
Anyone who understands the importance of the Times in setting the agenda for the entire media establishment realizes that without the Times to lead the way, lesser media properties in broadcasting and publishing might stray away from the left wing party line. Fox News has done better than any other media startup in recent memory by openly grazing in the conservative meadows. Despite intense derision by the Times and others in the Left establishment, it has prospered far more than they.
Here's what's happening:
Jayson Blair, Howell Raines, Judith Miller, and other mere employees have done plenty of damage. Just last weekend (no doubt too late for Wolff's deadline), current executive editor Bill Keller made the jaw-dropping admission that he had lied to his readers about his decision not to publish a story on the NSA telephone intercept program before the 2004 presidential election, a matter of great concern to the Left. Even worse, Keller had a guilty conscience about the lie, but did not fess up until caught in an inconsistency and questioned by the paper's public editor, Byron Calame.
Simply put, they didn't value the truth as consistently as they should've. They valued their liberal agenda far more passionately and consistently. From the lowliest reporter to the executive editor to the publisher, they cared far more about ripping conservatives than they cared about telling the truth, the whole truth and not the 'varnished' truth.

They also didn't get it that they weren't the first, and final, say in what got reported. They're much like most of the traditional media: they haven't adjusted to the new paradigm that the internet has triggered. They're sticking with a 1980's mindset when they should shift to a 21st century mindset.

Part of that '21st century mindset' is abandoning hyperpartisan goons like Mssrs. Krugman and Rich and Miss Dowd. Their marketability is limited to only the staunchest believers of hyperliberalism. Anybody to the right of Ted Kennedy cringes when they read their product. I'd exempt Tom Friedman from that group, not because I agree with him alot but he's at least willing to admit that conservatives make some sense. That can't be said for Mssrs. Rich and Krugman.

It's time for a housecleaning at the Times. That can't happen by taking half steps. It's either that or say bon voyage.

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Cross-posted at California Conservative

Posted Wednesday, August 16, 2006 10:59 PM

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