Arrogant, Defiant

That's how I'd describe Eric Lichtblau's attitude in this Editor & Publisher article. Here's an example:
Lichtblau added that the reaction to the wiretapping story, which included both criticism and support for the paper, made it easier to go with this story. He noted that there had been no proof that the previous story had endangered national security. "Our belief that it did not have any tangible impact has been borne out," he said.
That's as smug a statement as I've seen in awhile. Why should we take his word that their self-serving story hasn't put our country in danger? It isn't like he's trustworthy.
Lichtblau added that the reaction to the wiretapping story, which included both criticism and support for the paper, made it easier to go with this story. He noted that there had been no proof that the previous story had endangered national security. "Our belief that it did not have any tangible impact has been borne out," he said. "That was in the back of our minds this time." He also said that "the intense public interest in the NSA story showed that this is obviously a matter of intense public interest. We see similar interest in both cases, the pendulum, as far as public disclosure versus national security, has swung in the direction of public disclosure....
The "public interest" isn't a good enough reason for putting our national security at risk. It's above their pay grade and then some. Lichtblau's justifying their publishing this story because it's popular? Get real.

Posted Wednesday, June 28, 2006 9:45 AM

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