Arizona Governor on Verge of Veto Record

That's the title to the AP's article on Gov. Janet Napolitano's approaching the veto record for an Arizona governor. Let's get into the details:
Gov. Janet Napolitano's vetoes are about to put her in the Arizona history books again. A year after setting a single-session record for Arizona governors with 58 vetoes, Republican Jane Hull set the old record of 28 in 2001, the first-term Democrat is poised to capture the all-time record. So far this year, Napolitano has rejected 31 bills passed by the GOP-majority Legislature, including measures that would have created a new tax break on companies' donations for private school scholarships and would have tightened an existing law requiring parental consent for minors to have abortions.
I hope Arizona Republicans take her to task on these issues. Why shouldn't the state provide tax incentives so that underprivileged kids can attend private schools? Why shouldn't parental consent laws be free of loopholes?
Her record veto, No. 115, could come Monday, when she is expected to act on a wide-ranging border security bill. It includes provisions similar to a bill she previously vetoed that would have made illegal immigrants' presence in Arizona a crime under the state's trespassing law. Napolitano refused to say if she will veto the measure, but she warned legislative leaders she would if the bill included criminalization provisions.
Ms. Napolitano once was a high profile, border-protecting Democratic governor that Bill O'Reilly and Lou Dobbs touted as tough on border enforcement. Why the dramatic shift? She'll send National Guard troops to the border to keep them out but she won't sign into law a bill that says that illegals already there to be declared illegal?
Political insiders said several circumstances help punch up Napolitano's veto tally. Like Babbitt, "you have an activist Democratic governor and a real conservative House and Senate," said Barry Aarons, a Republican lobbyist who served two stints in the 1990s administration of GOP Gov. Fife Symington.
Activist is a polite term for moonbat. Based on the things she's vetoed, I'd say that the shoe fits nicely.

Posted Sunday, June 4, 2006 5:37 PM

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