A-Klo's Cluelessness Displayed

I just finished reading the Klobuchar website's announcement titled "Minnesota's First Responders: Klobuchar Will Protect Our Communities". This is one of the most intellectually dishonest things I've ever read.

Let me first state that first responders are an important part of the public safety network. For the most part, they're hard-working professionals. Their qualifications and dedication, except in rare instances, is beyond questioning.

That said, how do first responders "protect our communities"? Do they detect and prevent terrorist plots? The answers to those questions can be gleaned by defining what first responders do.

Everyone knows that first responders respond to emergencies or crises. They tried rescuing people from the Trade Center. They treated people who had escaped. In short, they're often responsible for cleaning up after a disaster. Vital though that mission might be, that isn't protecting communities.

Protecting communities falls on law enforcement, whether that's the local police department, the FBI or other federal government agencies like the NSA, DHS, DoJ or the CIA. They're the ones who detect terrorist plots ( at least when ideologically biased judges let them do their jobs) and arrest suspected terrorists.

Check out this propaganda:
"Amy Klobuchar is an outstanding prosecutor and a tough crime fighter. She understands what it takes to protect our communities and our country," said Bill Gillespie, the Executive Director of the MPPOA.
A-Klo isn't a prosecutor and she certainly isn't a "tough crime fighter" based on the violent crime rate increasing in Minneapolis. As for the part about understanding "what it takes to protect our communities and our country," I'll believe that when she doesn't think that Mike Brown was the first Secretary of DHS.

Let's take a look at A-Klo's plan to make America safer:


Does that mean she'd part directions with Harry Reid after he bragged about killing the Patriot Act? That's part of the Commission's recommendations.
INTELLIGENCE SHARING: Five years after September 11th, we still don't have unified information sharing between intelligence agencies, causing the 9/11 Commission to give two D's to the Administration. We should insist that our security agencies have complete, accurate, and reliable data, in order to ensure that all of our security agencies are using up-to-date information.
Does that mean that she disagrees with the Carter-appointed idiot who said that we don't have a right to protect ourselves from terrorist attacks? After all, it's impossible to share information if vital information isn't being collected electronically.
BORDER SECURITY: There has been a lot of talk on this issue, but no real changes have been made. We need to implement a comprehensive screening system at the border that is interoperable with FBI databases to stop individuals who pose threats to our security.
Does that mean Ms. Klobuchar supports the financing of building of a border fence along the Mexican border?

We must take the measures necessary to ensure that we are prepared to respond effectively to terrorist attacks and natural disasters that threaten the homeland, in order to minimize the impact and to recover as quickly as possible.
Ms. Klobuchar, I'd prefer preventing terrorist attacks through aggressive local and national law enforcement and through intercepting international communications between terrorists in Waziristan and their sleeper cells here in the Twin Cities rather than relying on first responders to clean up a disaster. I'm betting that most people would prefer prevention of terrorist attacks rather than just accepting as inevitable more terrorist attacks.

Hurricanes Katrina and Rita made it brutally clear that the Bush Administration and Congress put unqualified people in charge of key emergency response functions. As a result, America has lost ground in our ability to protect our borders and respond to crisis.
If anyone should be worried about incompetence, it should be Minnesota's voters if they elect Ms. Klobuchar. She's been Chuck Schumer's puppet, a not-so-bright puppet at that. I think that most people would expect a future U.S. Senator to know who's in charge of the major cabinet posts as a minimum competence requirement. As I linked earlier, it's obvious Ms. Klobuchar doesn't even pass that minimum test.

At the end of the day, it's obvious that Ms. Klobuchar has alot to learn just to be a mediocre senator, something she shares with the senator she's trying to replace.

Posted Friday, August 18, 2006 4:25 AM

July 2006 Posts

Comment 1 by Doug at 19-Aug-06 09:02 AM
" killing the Patriot Act? "That's part of the Commission's recommendations."

The commissions recommendations were to do away with certain provisions that serve to protect the administration, not the security of the Nation and to susset provisions that allow unfettered access into personal records.

"Does that mean that she disagrees with the Carter-appointed idiot who said that we don't have a right to protect ourselves from terrorist attacks? After all, it's impossible to share information if vital information isn't being collected electronically."

Settle down Nancy. The Judge didn't say "we don't have a right to protect ourselves from terrorist attacks." The Judge said the administration has to abide by the laws we have in place regarding warrants. The Judge also did not say that the administration couldn't do electronic surveillance. They have to abide by the FISA Laws, you know, the whole protect and defend the Constitution thing,?

"Does that mean Ms. Klobuchar supports the financing of building of a border fence along the Mexican border?"

A couple years ago, Mr. Cheney said that it was clear that oceans no longer can protect us from attacks. Apparently, a ten foot fence is all we needed in the first place. Thanks Einstein!

"I'm betting that most people would prefer prevention of terrorist attacks rather than just accepting as inevitable more terrorist attacks."

It's not an "either / or" option. Apparently, Republicans are able to do just one or the other.

"I think that most people would expect a future U.S. Senator to know who's in charge of the major cabinet posts as a minimum competence requirement."

Hmmmmm, minimum competence requirement, Then explain this from then candidate for PRESIDENT, George W Bush,

BUSH: The new Pakistani General, he's just been elected -- not elected, this guy took over office. It appears this guy is going to bring stability to the country and I think that's good news for the subcontinent.

JOURNALIST: And you can name him?

BUSH: General... I can name the general.

JOURNALIST: And it's...?

BUSH: "General."

JOURNALIST: And the Prime Minister of India?

BUSH: The new Prime Minister of India is... [pause] No. Can you name the Foreign Minister of Mexico?

JOURNALIST: No sir, but I would say to that: I'm not running for President.

Interesting that your minimum requirements for President are lower than for Senator.

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