239 to 58

That's what the trio of votes for pulling out early came out. The first Kerry proposal crashed and burned with a 93-6 final vote. The second, more moderate, Kerry proposal crashed with an 86-13 vote. The even more 'moderate' Levin proposal crashed 60-39.
"Withdrawal is not an option. Surrender is not a solution," declared Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist of Tennessee, who characterized Democrats as defeatists wanting to abandon Iraq before the mission is complete. Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid of Nevada, in turn, portrayed Republican leaders as blindly following President Bush's "failed" stay-the-course strategy. "It is long past time to change course in Iraq and start to end the president's open-ended commitment," he said.

In an 86-13 vote, the Senate turned back a proposal from some Democrats that would require the administration to withdraw all combat troops from Iraq by July 1, 2007, with redeployments beginning this year.
The AP can't even name the Kerry proposal by name, instead characterizing it as "a proposal from some Democrats." Is it any wonder why I consider the AP part of the Agenda Media?

Furthermore, why is Harry Reid given a free pass when he makes such idiotic statements like "It is long past time to change course in Iraq and start to end the president's open-ended commitment." Does he think that the killing of Zarqawi a result of the President's failed policy? Does he think that the establishment of a unity government is more proof of the President's failed policy? Does he think that the discovery of WMD's is proof of the President's failed policy?

Cheap politicians may get away with that with the Agenda Media but it won't fly on this blog and it won't fly on anywhere on the Right Blogosphere either.

Posted Thursday, June 22, 2006 10:38 AM

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