Who Knew?

Who Knew? Who knew? I'll bet most of you didn't? The AP's Ron Fournier is reporting that there are actual hawks in the Democratic Party not named Joseph Lieberman. To be fair, Evan Bayh used to be a hawk before he developed presidential aspirations. Then he was forced into aligning himself more with the MoveOn.org doves.
As party leaders struggle to develop a concise, consistent message for the congressional campaigns, Democratic rank-and-file voters are motivated largely by their opposition to the Iraq war and their desire to see Congress investigate Bush.
This is a main reason why Evan Bayh has, at times, sounded positively dovish. Bayh's a smart politician who's noticed that the MoveOn.org philosophy is spreading. Bayh's proof is the primary challenge that Lieberman's attracted. It wouldn't surprise me if we learned that he's 'moderating' his war views to avoid a primary fight.
While voters favor Democrats on most domestic policies, "they are not going to trust us with those things if they first don't trust us with their lives," the Indiana senator said.
Bayh hasn't lost his first instincts. He's right about that. They won't. Saying that they'll investigate the President isn't enough to excite suburban and exurban voters into voting Democrat. In the end, people are willing to sacrifice a little liberty if they think it'll keep them safe.

That's also why the NSA intercept issue is a loser for Democrats. Democrats score points when that's framed as a civil liberties issue but people know that it's more than just civil liberties at stake. They know that it's also about protecting them from terrorists, which is a life-and-death matter.

Posted Tuesday, May 9, 2006 4:04 PM

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