Snow Rebuts Misinformation

According to this Bill Sammon article , Tony Snow isn't letting the Agenda Media get away with their misinformation campaign. Here's a sampling of his first rebuttals:
"CBS News misleadingly reports that only 8 million seniors have signed up for Medicare prescription drug coverage," Wednesday's missive said. But 37 million seniors have coverage.


On Tuesday, the White House railed against USA Today's misleading Medicare story. "USA Today claims poor, often minority Medicare beneficiaries are not enrolling in Medicare drug coverage," the press office complained. But by April, more than 70 percent of eligible African Americans, more than 70 percent of eligible Hispanics, and more than 75 percent of eligible Asian Americans are enrolled or have retiree drug coverage.
Thank God for Tony. This is the best hiring in ages. No longer will reporters get away with their misinformation because Tony is an admitted "information geek" who knows the facts. Tony's developed a reputation for reading the multitude of government reports so he's got the facts. Think of him as the conservatives' Mort Kondracke.

This must be a scary moment for the Agenda Media because Tony's smarter than them. He'll make them look like foolish, like Chief Justice Roberts did with Judiciary Committee Democrats. The White House press corps got away with that during the 'McClellan Era' but that era's coming to a crashing halt.

I don't think Scott McClellan served the President well because he brought a bunker mentality to the job. That isn't the personality that Tony will bring to the job. He'll be an informed combatant when he needs to be. Tony's a likeable guy, too, someone that won't easily be villainized.

Posted Thursday, May 11, 2006 1:34 PM

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