Representative Blowhard

That's my new nickname for John Murtha after reading his predictions in this AP article . Here's the whopper that caught my eye:
Rep. John Murtha, a Vietnam veteran first elected in the anti-war fever of 1974, says American troops will be brought home from Iraq by 2007. Either President Bush will bow to public opinion or Democrats will have won control of the House of Representatives and increased pressure on the White House, Murtha, (D-PA), said in an Associated Press interview Thursday. Most likely, there will be a "tidal wave" that propels Democrats into the majority, said Murtha. He predicts Democrats will gain 40-50 seats, well more than the 15 needed for the party to gain control.
Yeah, right John. And the day after that happens, I'll watch the skies for pigs flying. Nancy Pelosi thinks that Republicans have 50 vulnerable seats while the Democrats have a dozen. Michael Barone states that, at best, 30 Republican seats are vulnerable and that, historically, a party is fortunate to win half of the other side's vulnerable seats. For instance, Barone said that about 100 Democratic seats were vulnerable in 94. The GOP picked up 52 seats that year.

Murtha should sticks to things he knows about instead of making wild predictions like that. Then again, he doesn't know much about military strategy, either, and that hasn't stopped him from flapping his gums about that, either.
Murtha said he thinks President Bush would have to bring more than half the troops in Iraq back to the United States before election day for it to start to make a difference to voters. "If that happens, he would have to admit he made mistakes," Murtha said. "The biggest problem he has had is admitting he made a mistake in going in there in the first place."
So it's Murtha's contention that freeing 25 million people from the oppression of a brutal dictator and eliminating a country that was into global terrorism was a mistake? That's what it sounds like to me. That type of statement is why he doesn't have a bit of moral credibility with me. Then again, it's part of his blood. After all, he's the guy that told Clinton that we "couldn't win militarily" in Somalia, too. Sound familiar?

Don't get me wrong. I don't want Murtha to shut up. I want him talking alot. It's just that I want the administration to emphatically put him in his place frequently.

Posted Thursday, May 11, 2006 8:01 PM

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