Kerry's Troubled

Not that GOP'ers and righty bloggers didn't know that already but now the AP is reporting it , too:
Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry, the Democratic nominee for president in 2004 and a possible contender in 2008, told a firefighters' union Monday that he had "serious reservations" about the nomination of Air Force Gen. Michael Hayden to head the CIA. "I'm very troubled by the nomination because he is one of the main supporters representing Donald Rumsfeld who helped to put in place the programs of spying on Americans and has been one of the biggest defenders of it," Kerry said.
Not only is John Kerry a buffoon but he doesn't even get his facts straight. Word out of Washington is that Hayden isn't a big fan of Rumsfeld. Then he knowingly misrepresents the NSA intercept program as "spying on Americans", infering that it's similar to J. Edgar Hoover's spying on MLK, Jr. It's typical Kerry blather.
"We passed the law that gave them all the ability to protect America, which I obviously want to do, but to protect America and also protect the constitution," Kerry told reporters after a formal speech to the Professional Fire Fighters of New Hampshire. "We gave them a court that they could go to on the shortest notice necessary. If they need to fix (the law), we'll help them fix it, but we want to do it in a way that honors America's respect for our constitution," he said.
Sen. Kerry, it's isn't the least bit obvious that you care a bit about protecting America. That's why you lost that issue in the presidential election so badly. You weren't taken seriously on that issue. You talked about "getting back to the days when" terrorism was but a nuisance. As I've frequently said, terrorism never was a nuisance. It was just treated that way.

As for respecting "our Constitution", why don't you mention that no court has ruled that warrantless searches in these instances? Shame on you for hinting that he isn't following the Constitution.

Posted Tuesday, May 9, 2006 4:08 PM

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