Kavanaugh Gets a New Hearing

When Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter gavels the hearing to order, Democrats will try and paint Brett Kavanaugh as a far right wing extremist. This Washington Post article quotes Chuck Schumer as saying:
"The White House is trying to push through an ideologue" and that the ABA statement "raises real questions about Kavanaugh's suitability as a judge".
That's what they'll focus on in public but Kavanaugh's past is what's most likely got the Democrats' goat. This paragraph from the Washington Post article tells the real story:
Kavanaugh clerked for Justice Anthony M. Kennedy in 1993 and 1994 and then returned to work for Starr, who had been named independent counsel in the Whitewater investigation. Some Democrats saw the wide-ranging probe as a political vendetta against Clinton, but Kavanaugh, and Starr, pushed into new territories after the Lewinsky scandal broke. Much of the Democrats' mistrust of Kavanaugh stems from those days, although some colleagues say he was less aggressive than Starr.
He was also part of then-Governor Bush's team of lawyers during the Florida recount. That's the real reason why Sen. Schumer also said that the nominee "would probably win first prize as the hard right's political lawyer."

In a Democrat's mind, you can't sink much lower than being part of Kenneth Starr's Monicagate team and President Bush's recount team.

The good news is that Kavanaugh will make Senate Democrats look like fools. Check these praises out:
Kavanaugh also is widely described as brilliant, affable and disarming, attributes that prevented Democrats from successfully demonizing Roberts.
"I am a liberal Democrat, and during the time we have been friends, Brett and I have disagreed on most political questions we have discussed," Washington lawyer Pamela Harris, a Yale Law School classmate, wrote to the committee. "But not once in that time has Brett been anything less than fully respectful of my views or unwilling to hear and take seriously what I have to say...He never belittles or condescends to those with whom he disagrees."
So Kavanaugh's respectful even when he disagrees with a liberal and he's brilliant besides. I can't wait to watch these hearings. I suspect that he'll make Mssrs. Kennedy, Leahy, Schumer, Durbin and Feingold look stupid much like Chief Justice Roberts did.

Posted Tuesday, May 9, 2006 1:44 AM

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