Fighting for the Children

That's how Harry Reid is characterizing his role in getting "The Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act passed" in the Senate. The truth is that Ted Kennedy was blocking the bill .
Kennedy relents & Child Protection Registry Act passes

You may have heard that the Senate passed the Child Protection Registry Act, which had been held up for two years, and that is thanks to all Factor viewers and listeners who got in touch with Senator Kennedy's office.

Senator Kennedy, as we reported, was holding the bill up, but this week after hearing from you, he stopped his delay tactics and the Senate unanimously passed the bill. What this means is that, for the first time, local police will be able to access a central database that will list all people convicted of abusing children in the USA. That will make it much easier for police in your neighborhood to protect your children.
Here's how Harry portrayed it :
Reid was instrumental in getting the bill on the Senate floor and ensuring its passage. "I'm so pleased we've passed this bill," said Reid. "These measures will make it easier to catch the criminals who prey on our most vulnerable citizens. It will help keep our kids safe, and will help parents rest easier."

Among the provisions of the Sex Offender Registration and Notification Act are the following:

It will require sex offenders to register before they are released from prison

It will add using the internet to commit a crime against a minor as an offense that could trigger registration

It provides for felony charges for sex offenders who violate their registration requirements

It directs the Attorney General to set guidelines for states' sex offender registration programs, including a requirement that sex offenders' photographs be updated annually, and to maintain a National Sex Offender Registry that can integrate information

It provides grants for participating states that would help local law enforcement agencies establish and integrate sex offender registry systems, including databases to identify individuals in custody
What courage it took to get the bill passed after letting it languish for 2 years!!! Harry, I'm impressed that it only took you that long. You'll forever have my heartfelt gratitude for the fortitude you showed during those 2 long years, years when this bill would've punished the fiends that likely harmed hundreds of children.

Seriously, Harry Reid should be ashamed for boasting about passing this bill after doing nothing on it for almost an entire election cycle. A real leader would've confronted Ted Kennedy and told him to back off or else he'd pay a big price in the media.

This is just more proof that Harry Reid is a spineless wimp and one of the biggest embarassments in Washington in the past decade. It's proof that he belongs in the Senate Hall of Shame with Mark Dayton, Maria Cantwell, Debbie Stabenow and Babs Boxer.

Posted Saturday, May 6, 2006 7:57 PM

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