Dean vs. Schumer and Emanuel

According to this NY Times article , all isn't well between Dean, Chuck Schumer and Rahm Emanuel. Check this out:
In a heated meeting last week, Representative Rahm Emanuel of Illinois and Senator Charles Schumer of New York, challenged Mr. Dean on his 50-state program, saying it was undercutting Democratic hopes of taking back the House and the Senate , Democrats said. They warned that Mr. Dean was squandering an opportunity by sending money to parties in states that are a long way from becoming Democratic.

Democrats informed about the meeting described it as contentious and said Mr. Emanuel left abruptly when Mr. Dean declined to agree. Mr. Emanuel, in an interview, said he had left the meeting to cast a vote in Congress. He described their differences as a "fundamental difference about short-term versus long-term objectives, it is not hostile." But in an interview, he said that he and Mr. Schumer, in their meeting with Mr. Dean, had drawn comparisons between what he was doing and the actions of his counterpart, Ken Mehlman, the leader of the Republican National Committee.
Mr. Emanuel is being extremely diplomatic in saying that there aren't hostile feelings between Dean and Emanuel. Either that or he's lying. This is just an opinion but I'd bet that Dean was being a stubborn idiot and Schumer and Emanuel called him on it.

Let's remember that Dean has a history of not liking Clinton people as well as having a dislike for national leadership.

For what it's worth, I agree with Emanuel that Dean's sending cash out to states that aren't competitive is undercutting any opportunity Democrats had to retake the House.

Posted Thursday, May 11, 2006 2:26 PM

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