Dean Caught Fibbing

DNC Chair Howard Dean, appearing on ABC's This Week program, has told this little fib:
Now, on Stephanopoulos' show, he had Howard Dean, since Pelosi went out there and talked about the plans that she as speaker-to-be had in the Washington Post, well, that set the table for the Sunday shows to go get all these guests, the Democrats talk about what they're going to do. So it was Howard Dean on Stephanopoulos. Stephanopoulos said, "Is Ken Mehlman right, or is impeachment off the table?"

DEAN: They just make that stuff up over there I think at the RNC. I'm sure there are going to be investigations because we're going to stop the culture of corruption. But we've got some big things on our plate, and we're going to need to deal with those before anybody starts talking about impeachment.
Dean's fibbing bigtime on that. There's no way he doesn't know that John Conyers has 36 co-sponsors for impeachment right now. I first learned that on a Special Report roundtable when Mort sternly corrected Mara. She tried saying that there wasn't a "great appetite" for impeachment. Mort stopped her right there, saying that Conyers had 36 co-sponsors for impeachment right now if Democrats controlled the House. I don't know if Mort meant that Conyers was part of those 36 or if he meant that Conyers recruited 36 others.

Either way, it's just another instance of Dean making things up as he's talking. That type of effortless lying is scary and prevalent in the Democratic Party.

Pelosi makes it sound like only Republicans are corrupt and that they're all corrupt but then searches for words when William Jefferson's and Alan Mollohan's names are mentioned. She knows better but it's her craving for power that won't let her be honest.

That's hardly the type of 'agenda' that puts America first. I'm convinced that's what will push Republicans across the finish line this November.

Posted Monday, May 8, 2006 9:40 PM

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