The CIA Leaker Didn't Have An Agenda?

That's how Jack Kelly ridiculed Richard Kerr's quote in the NY Times. Here's the quote and some analysis:
"I have no idea what her motive was," former CIA deputy director Richard Kerr told the New York Times.

Several Web loggers noted a possible motive that eluded Mr. Kerr and the Times. In the last election cycle, Ms. McCarthy and her husband contributed $9,500 to Democrats. Both made the maximum $2,000 contribution to the Kerry campaign, and she gave $5,000 to the Ohio Democratic party.
In fact, it's impossible to miss the CIA's attempted undercutting of the Bush Administration at every major turn. You have the Wilson trip, which was designed to provide proof that "Bush lied us into war". You've got the leaking of information that led to Dana Priest's Pulitzer-winning "black site" story for the Washington Post. In light of all the money that the Wilsons and McCarthys and other CIA people have contributed to the DNC and the Kerry campaign, not to mention Rand Beers going to work for the Kerry campaign, it isn't difficult to believe that the CIA is infested with Bush-hating political hacks.

FYI- When Rand Beers left to join the Kerry campaign, Mary McCarthy replaced him. Talk about a tangled web of traitors.
Ms. McCarthy joined the CIA as an analyst in 1984, and just ten years later became a national intelligence officer, the spook equivalent of a four star general. She was brought into the Clinton White House in 1998 as special assistant for intelligence programs. Ms. McCarthy had been the NIO for Warning. Since on her watch the CIA missed the first World Trade Center bombing and the bombing of the Khobar Towers barracks in Saudi Arabia, something other than competence may have been behind her meteoric rise.
I suspect that McCarthy's "meteoric rise" had everything to do with her political contributions and her political leanings than with competence.

SIDENOTE: Much was made when President Bush gave Tenet the Presidential Medal of Freedom after he was ridiculed for his incompetence. What's anyone willing to bet that the Agenda Media won't include her miserable failures while making that meteoric rise in any of their articles? If I had to bet, I'd put the likelihood of that information making it into their articles at zero.

I strongly recommend you read Jack's entire article. It's a great summary of the CIA culture of treason.

Cross-posted at California Conservative

Posted Tuesday, April 25, 2006 9:46 AM

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