Reid: Losing While He Gains

The Las Vegas Sun's J. Patrick Coolican has an interesting, though slanted article on how Harry Reid's popularity has increased inside the Beltway while simultaneously losing support in Nevada. Think of it as Tom Daschle Disease.
Reid is praised by his party's national grass-roots activists for his forceful opposition to the Republican agenda and ability to keep Senate Democrats unified. His opponents concede, occasionally with close-fisted frustration, that he consistently bests his counterpart, Sen. Majority Leader Bill Frist, (R-TN).
Instead of calling and other lefty crazies something derogatory, Coolican opts for the euphemism "his party's national grass-roots activists." Actually, that's the tone of this article from start to finish. It reports that Reid's dropping support back home, then spends the majority of the article talking about Republican woes and Reid 'triumphs'.

The article quotes Tom Matzzie,'s political director, cites the parliamentary stunts that Reid's pulled and lavishes on praise for how he bests Sen. Frist in Senate matchups.

What Coolican doesn't mention are things like Reid's bragging about killing the Patriot Act, his playing politics with the NSA issue and his cozying up to the lefties in the Senate. I suspect that these are the reasons why Reid's support is plummeting and why it's likely that they'll continue dropping.

We wouldn't know that from the article, though, because it's too busy lavishing on praise of Reid. Still, I'm not that upset because Republicans will get the last laugh in 2010, when Reid is up for re-election.

By then, his ratings will have been bottomed out for awhile and the seat will be won by a conservative.

Cross-posted at California Conservative

Posted Tuesday, April 25, 2006 9:17 AM

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