Raum Increasingly Critical of Bush

That's a play on the headline but it sums up my frustration with the AP's Tom Raum. He isn't the least bit fair, or accurate, in his analysis of what's happening inside the Republican Party. Here's a glimpse of that slant:
From Iraq to deficits, from immigration to port security, some of the most pointed criticism leveled at President Bush is coming from within his own party. Republicans these days are almost sounding like perennially divided Democrats. The rising GOP angst stems from Bush's deep slump in the polls and the growing unpopularity of the Iraq war.
That there's criticism within a political party, especially a majority party with the broad support from most regions of the country, isn't news. Yes, there's a few loud-mouthed critics that the Tom Raums of the world will gleefully put on the front page but I haven't seen the masses out in 'Voterland' fleeing President Bush.

Quite the opposite, actually. At both our precinct caucus and our county convention, much was said about how thankful we were that President Bush was (a) prosecuting the GWOT, (b) was nominating the judges and (c) forcing the issue on tax cuts to keep America prosperous.

If anything, I agree with Bill Kristol's assessment from yesterday's FNS that it's the politicians inside the Beltway who've disgraced themselves this season. That said, there's no way that we'll get outworked to keep those people there. There's no way we'll stay home and cast votes for Democrats, AKA casting 'protest votes'.

As for "Bush's deep slump in the polls", who cares? It isn't like they're accurate. It isn't like the AP-Ipsos is the least bit credible. It isn't like the other media polls don't dramatically oversample Democrats or poll on weekends or use various other tricks.

In the end, people agree with conservatives more on the important issues of the day. They know that they're better off with President Bush and the Republican Congress running the GWOT than with Democrats.

They know that Democrats' bloodlust for impeachment isn't good for the country. That will become a huge issue this fall when people tune into that issue. And it's when, not if.
"It's open season on him. George Bush has lost trust on too many issues," said presidential historian Thomas E. Cronin of Colorado College. "We saw it happen with Johnson, we saw it with Nixon. And now, sadly, we're seeing it with Bush."
No we aren't "seeing it with Bush." That's pure BS. What we're seeing is an Agenda Media proving daily that they're far out of touch with the American people on the important issues of the day. The Agenda Media saying something's so doesn't make it so.

Proof of that came in 2004, when the Agenda Media was flogging the notion that Bush had already lost the election and it was Kerry's to lose. As I said after the election, either the 'experts' were wrong or Kerry was overqualified to lose the race.

Raum has a history of writing anti-GOP opinions that don't rely on facts on the ground from the voting public. His is an almost-exclusively inside-the-Beltway mindset that says "If it's Gospel inside the Beltway, then it's Gospel everywhere else." Thankfully, most Americans don't think the way Washington's pundits do.

Further proof of Raum's ignorance is his lack of understanding how effective GOP minority outreach has been. He doesn't know because it isn't the glamorous side of politics. It's just what wins elections.

Cross-posted at California Conservative

Posted Monday, April 3, 2006 9:48 AM

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