'Protest' Votes & Other Ways to Lose A Congressional Majority

Yesterday, the first caller on Rush's show was fuming mad at Republicans on immigration. She said we all should 'unregister' as Republicans. She hinted that staying home and 'casting a protest vote' was the next logical step.

Not only can't I agree with her, I can't stand that notion. Let me explain:

1. Staying home on the basis of the immigration bill is assinine. Is immigration the only thing motivating you to vote? If it is, shame on you. Ronald Reagan started the move towards getting a logical, thoughtful judiciary a main goal of his administration. We're now within reach of realizing that goal. Registering a protest vote is the difference between Justice O'Connor and Chief Justice Roberts. It's the difference between letting the tax cuts lapse and extending them. Still think it's smart to register a protest vote?

2. A third of something is better than half of nothing. If D's control the budget process and the judicial confirmation process, then how will the protest voters react? Will they think "They got my message" or will they wake up and realize that their stubbornness and shortsightedness has led to far more ruin than a Republican majority would've?

3. Staying home affects state legislative races, too. Here in Minnesota, staying home means that Democrats set the agenda, stifling the will of the people on a range of issues from raising taxes to throttling Minnesotans' right to determine the definition of marriage. These are huge issues. The stakes couldn't be higher.

Those are just some of the considerations that single issue voters better take into consideration before they stay home and ruin our conservative coalition. We've fought hard for alot of things, including the judiciary, taxes, national security and social values.

Are there 'warts' in this coalition? Of course. But we change that by challenging the Chuck Hagels and Linc Chaffees in primaries, not by staying home from general elections. That's how we keep winning. And winning is still the best thing in conservative politics.

Cross-posted at California Conservative

Posted Friday, April 7, 2006 1:22 PM

Comment 1 by Scott Kentsbro at 08-Apr-06 07:56 PM
Saw this, and it reminded me of your post. The blog is one my brother posts on every once in awhile, but I thought somebody beyond me might like to see it.

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