One Lies, the Other Swears To It

That's the first reaction I had to Michael Isikoff's Newsweek article titled "Secrets of the CIA" . Vouching for her not being the leaker on Dana Priest's Pulitzer-winning article on the 'black sites' in Eastern Europe is none other than Rand Beers, the man who was a chief foreign policy advisor to the Kerry campaign.

Let's look what we find 'under the covers':
McCarthy was appointed special assistant to the president and senior director for intelligence programs by Burglar in 1998." Do you know who she replaced?

"Rand Beers, who went on to become the foreign policy advisor of the John Kerry campaign, and according to former Kerry campaign staffers, Rand Beers spoke of having continued access to CIA and national security data from colleagues who were still in government while he was working for Kerry. Former staffer of Beers said, 'He said he still had friends willing to help the Kerry campaign from inside. We always assumed that guys like Beers and Burglar were in touch with these people. I'm not talking about having secure material leaked to us, but our national security folks always seemed to be in the know.' The former staffer said he never recalled mention of any names.
Rand Beers didn't stop getting inside information from the CIA even after he left. In other words, he might've been the 'black site' leaker or he might've been aware who was. It's also possible that he didn't stop getting classified information. That's another trouble spot.

Let's also take into account that McCarthy worked in the CIA's IG's office, which is responsible for tracking down leaks. Is that a joke or what?

Beers isn't the only Kerry activist that McCarthy worked with. She worked with Joe Wilson. In fact, they worked on African intel in 1997 & 1998. That isn't the only troubling thing about McCarthy, Wilson and Beers. It's been reported that Dana Priest's husband, William Goodfellow, runs an organization called the Center for International Policy. According to Rush, one of CIP's clients is the Fenton Group, which is an anti-war organization.
Rush said that "Fenton Communications has established a war room with the Center for International Policy. This war room is called the Iraq Policy Information Group, IPIP. Its job is getting the anti-Bush foreign policy message out to the media and providing guests for talk shows. The featured speaker of the IPIP is Joe Wilson."
I've long suspected that the CIA was subverting the President's war effort. Now my beliefs have been confirmed. There's no way that there's that many subsurface connections for there not to be collaboration.

Let's pray that Porter Goss is able to rid the CIA of the subversives whose goal was to undermine their commander-in-chief.

Cross-posted at California Conservative

Posted Monday, April 24, 2006 8:28 PM

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