Charlie Bass, who infuriated conservatives by opposing drilling in ANWR, is scoring points for challenging Ted Kennedy on the Nantucket Sound wind farm project .
Residents of the Bay State enjoy staying warm in the winter and cool during the summer. And they like playing with their computers and other electronic devices as much as the next person. Just don't ask them to make any sacrifices to produce the electricity that keeps them comfortable and happy.

According to an Associated Press dispatch this week, "New England's failure to build electricity generating plants will put the region at a higher-than-usual risk of resorting to precautions this summer to keep its power grid from overloading." Citing a recent report from the Northeast Power Coordinating Council, the story noted that this region "faces a greater likelihood of measures to ease the load, including temporary voltage reductions and supply interruptions to certain industrial customers" than does its neighbors like New York and eastern Canada.

Not only is it exceedingly difficult to build new power plants of any kind given the "Not in My Back Yard" mentality so prevalent here, but there's continuing pressure to restrict activity or even close some of the region's most reliable and cost-efficient producers of electricity, such as the plants at Salem Harbor and Brayton Point in Somerset, because they burn coal.
This NIMBY mindset is a bunch of BS. These pointy-headed liberals want cheap, abundant electricity and freedom from foreign sources of oil but they don't want windfarms in their view and the environmental extremists block the building of nuclear power plants and the drilling for oil and natural gas in ANWR.

These idiots want their comfort demands met without making the tradeoff. It doesn't work that way. If you want something, you'd better be willing to pay the price for it. It's called a tradeoff. You don't get something priceless for nothing.
New Hampshire Congressman Charles Bass sees through the hypocrisy of people like Massachusetts Sen. Ted Kennedy, who talks a good game regarding the protection of the environment and reducing our dependence on foreign oil, except when it comes to the proposal to build wind turbines that might be seen from his family's summer estate in Hyannis Port. He's fighting hard to block an amendment that Kennedy and his allies managed to insert into the Coast Guard and Maritime Transportation Act that would stifle the Cape Wind project.

"Current estimates are that by as early as 2008, our region may have insufficient supplies to meet its electricity needs," Bass declared in a statement released earlier this month. "Because the New England electricity grid is interconnected and interdependent, failing to ensure adequate resources for tomorrow's needs could affect my constituents in New Hampshire and force the entire region to pay higher rates if we are forced into using costlier fuels."
Ted, if you want the nation to be less dependent on foreign oil and you keep harping on the need for energy alternatives, then you've got to accept them being part of your neighborhood. Your whining is getting sickening and we won't take it anymore.

Furthermore, your not wanting the windfarm near you is being a bad neighbor. And since the New England grid is interconnected, it's time that you and your fatcat liberal buddies started being good neighbors.

This shows who liberals really are. They talk about people making sacrifices but they won't sacrifice themselves. They say give but all they do is take. It's disgusting and it's gotta end. ASAP.

PS- Give him hell, Charlie. We're all cheering you on.

Cross-posted at California Conservative

Posted Saturday, April 29, 2006 12:19 AM

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