Looney Left: "Pour The Champagne"

That's essentially what the Kossack/Talking Points Memo crowd is crowing after Tom DeLay announced his resignation. They won't be thinking that this November.Here's a glimpse into what they're saying :
Josh Marshall says the Hammer's legacy lives on:

"So DeLay is out. But it's DeLay's House. DeLay's Republican DC machine. They built and fortified it with the money he brought in. The great majority of them voted for the 'DeLay Rule' custom tailored for Majority Leader DeLay to avoid stepping down even after indictment. The current Republican membership of the House ethics committee was hand-picked to provide protection for DeLay and the old membership was purged. He's their guy. Their rule rests on his machine. They can run but they can't hide."
This assumes that corruption in Washington is something voters base their decisions on. They don't until it becomes a big scandal. This isn't a big scandal. Most people think that politicians associating with bigtime lobbyists is shady and business as usual. And bipartisan in nature. It's simply a matter of which lobbyists the different sides agree with.

It isn't like the American people think that voting Democrats in will stop the corruption. They're smarter than that. The proof of 'bipartisan' corruption is abundant. Nancy Pelosi's proclamations notwithstanding, people aren't buying that bringing in Democrats will change things a bit.

In the end, it still matters what your agenda is. In the end, it matters far more that you want to pass laws that protect Americans from future terrorist attacks. It still matters far more that you want to enforce the borders. It still matters more that you keep as much money in peoples' pockets.
Kos is on the same page: "Republicans will pretend that all of DeLay's sins will wash away and no longer affect congressional Republicans. And the media bots will dutifully repeat that spin.

"Except that every Republican in Congress enabled DeLay. They all fed from his trough. They even tried to change House rules to allow him to continue serving as House leader while under indictment. And DeLay's cowardly resignation is further proof of just how corrupt and corrosive he really was."
Kos, get a life. I mean really. You act holier than thou but I don't hear you clamoring for Chuckie Schumer's resignation for presiding over the illegal acquisition of Michael Steele's confidential credit report. After all, Democrats are supposedly the party that puts a high premium on a person's right to privacy.

I don't hear you insisting on William Jefferson's resignation FBI agents raided Jefferson's homes in New Orleans and Northeast Washington, where they found about $90,000 in cash in his freezer . You'd think that that would warrant his ouster, wouldn't you?

At day's end, the cries about the Republicans' "culture of corruption" are seen for what they are: another attempt by a intellectually bankrupt political party to regain political power.

Rest assured that the American people won't install them in the power seats just because Democrats want the positions of power.

Cross-posted at California Conservative

Posted Wednesday, April 5, 2006 2:33 PM

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