Judge Greer Speaks Out

Judge Greer, the Florida judge who essentially gave the death penalty to Terry Schiavo spoke out on the right-to-die issue recently in Philadelphia.
Pinellas County Circuit Judge George W. Greer, in brief remarks at the University of Pennsylvania on Monday, said that 30 state and federal judges painstakingly reviewed the many volumes of testimony and evidence submitted in the divisive case.

But state lawmakers who passed "Terri's Law" to have the brain-damaged woman's feeding tube reinserted did so with "little to no debate" and with "significant arm-twisting," he said. "Do you want that process...or do you want a deliberative, court evidence-driven process where it can be reviewed?" Greer asked. A spokesman for Florida Gov. Jeb Bush said the legislation went through two days of debate, more than any other bill during that legislative session. "The Florida Legislature is an independent body and Terri's Law went through a very deliberative process," Russell Schweiss said Tuesday.
That's the sounds of a judge with an overabundance of chutzpah. It's also the sound of a liar. The last thing I want is a judge setting right-to-life or right-to-die policies. I want elected officials responsible for setting social policy because they're accountable.

Judge Greer's speech tells us that he thinks the judiciary is a superior branch of government to the legislative and executive branches. That's a perversion of the U.S. Constitution, which, the last I looked, talked about three co-equal branches of government.

It's worth remembering that Judge Greer and Michael Schiavo's attorneys are big right-to-die advocates. That's hardly the type of person I'd want deciding whether I live or die. I'd rather that they take it out of the hands of advocates and keep it in the legislatures' hands.

Furthermore, why should we trust Greer when he's lying about the Florida Legislature not properly debating the legislation? This is a man who'll say anything to salvage what little is left of his credibility.

Cross-posted at California Conservative

Posted Tuesday, May 2, 2006 7:35 PM

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