Entering the Twilight Zone, Part II

I got an email after posting a comment at Just A Woman blog on the upcoming United 93 movie. It's far wackier than the Kossack comments. (I haven't posted the person's name because I didn't get permission. That's because I didn't waste my time responding to the email.)
Be forewarned: This person isn't in touch with reality.
Here's the content of that email:
Hi, Gary,

I read your response to Lores' "Is it too soon" post on www.justawoman.com.

You refer to the heroEs who died at Shanksville the morning of September 11th.? Who might they be? The Mayor of Shanksville was one of several from the community who responded to what they were told by the feds to be a plane crash. When they arrived, they did not find one ounce of blood, no bodies, no aircraft parts, nothing. There was a long, blacked hole, a little over 20 feet, and, debris that the mayor says looked like someone dumped a truck load of bits of trash, but that was it. No seats, no titanium engine parts, no wings, no cockpit, nothing... Now, you don't hve to believe me. I would want to check it out if someone made such a statement to me. So, you can see the Mayor, himself, saying exactly this in the German documentary movie, "9-11 Unsolved." http://www.question911.com/links.php

You can talk about Democrats, who are just the play pretend foe of their brothers, the Republicans, you can talk about Bush's leadership, but, there is none. The borders have been wide open for five years, and, he is the one who fought with his life's breath to keep them open.

Documentary movie, not as much fun as that "Let's Roll" nonsense, but, it is factual.

If you want to see Larry Silverstein, who owned Building 7, and, then, bought the Twin Towers for $250 million in summer 2001, then promptly insured them for $3.5 Billion dollars,...say that they PULLED Building 7, then download Martial Law and skip down to about halfway through the documentary. PULLED is a demolition term. I gave this movie to a cop not long ago. He emailed me about that part of Martial Law. He is out showing the movie like crazy to cops, firemen, and, state troopers in his state. Along with members of his church. He told me that there was a large group of troopers and locals who watched it this week at the station. They were speechless, then, they caught on fire, too.

There is a documentary online via Google player. If you put LOOSE CHANGE in Google then select the third entry, it will go right to the movie and start playing.. ( must have high speed connection)


If you are really interested in information, discussion, even if at first you don't agree, that is fine. Email me. If you are interested in a Bush Love Fest, you won't heare from me again.

In 1964, I handed out GOLDWATER bumper stickers in a county where the entire Republican party could hold a sitdown buffet in a phone booth. I was a Pat Buchanan delegate for the state of Missouri to our Republican convention in 96. I thought that Rush spoke the truth until he advocated globalism and NAFTA in 1994. My great-great uncle was President Garfield. He was a Republican, killed by Republicans.

I don't have all the answers, but, I know what they told us about 9/11 is a crock.

All the best to you,

As I told some friends this morning, I suspect that, based on this person's rantings, that this person is the offspring of Holocaust deniers and/or a con artist.

The part where it says that "When they arrived, they did not find one ounce of blood, no bodies, no aircraft parts, nothing. There was a long, blacked hole, a little over 20 feet, and, debris that the mayor says looked like someone dumped a truck load of bits of trash, but that was it. No seats, no titanium engine parts, no wings, no cockpit, nothing..." is beyond belief.

I saw the hole on all the networks that morning: CNN, FNC, CNBC, CBS, etc. Lots of us did. And the hole wasn't 20 feet. Give me a break.

I seriously doubt anything that this person said. In fact, I'd bet that this was sent by someone who isn't even American, much less someone who "handed out GOLDWATER bumper stickers in a county where the entire Republican party could hold a sit-down buffet in a phone booth."

Part of the reason I think this person isn't American is the spelling and punctuation. I'd expect better from a public school D student.

Posted Saturday, April 8, 2006 8:15 AM

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