Dems Whining Already

This time, they're whining that they don't have Tom DeLay as a target anymore. They don't openly say that but that's what's happening. Here's a glimpse at their mindset for this fall:
Statewide Democratic candidates, gathering Wednesday for a sort of pep rally at the party's Texas headquarters, mentioned DeLay repeatedly while portraying top Texas Republicans as corrupted by big money donors. "We're stuck with Tom DeLay, Rick Perry and the rest of the corrupt Republican leadership who's auctioned off the state Capitol to the highest bidder," said Democratic state chairman Charles Soechting. "Their pay-to-play style of politics has put special interests over the best interests of our state."
Puhleeeze. Mr. Soechting acts like Democrats don't cater their every action to the whims of corrupting special interests. Tell me that when William Jefferson is facing indictment, Chuck Schumer's aides at the DSCC have pled guilty to illegally acquiring a man's confidential credit report after finding, and using, his social security number. Then there's Harry Reid's being more wrapped up with Abramoff than DeLay is and Reid's lobbyist sons who've been living off of his tossing them scraps through the appropriations process.

Fortunately, the American people are smarter than thinking that Democrats are any more pure than Republicans.
U.S. Senate nominee Barbara Ann Radnofsky, fresh from a Democratic primary runoff victory Tuesday over Gene Kelly, was looking ahead Wednesday to her November underdog matchup against Republican Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison. Radnofsky said voters should direct their disgust with DeLay to her race, and vote for her. "I believe that with the downfall of Tom DeLay, the U.S. Senate race in Texas is now the place where Texans can voice their concerns over the direction the country is taking," she said.

But Hutchison spokesman Bryan Eppstein said the senator as the highest job approval rating of any Texas official. "That is a reflection of the support that she has earned by getting things done for Texas," Eppstein said, predicting that Texas voters won't tolerate "bait and switch political gimmickry."
Radnofsky won't come within 15 points of Hutchison. That's why she's trying to drag DeLay into the race. She knows even then that that's her only chance to score another 'moral victory' for Democrats. The definition of a moral victory is when a Democrat loses in a close race. Then Rahm Emanuel and Howie Dean popoff that this is proof of how disgusted people are with Republicans.

At the end of the day, Democrats have nothing but running on their "Culture of Corruption" storyline. That won't win them control of the House or Senate. Take that to the bank.

Posted Thursday, April 13, 2006 6:13 AM

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