Democrats Seize National Security Issue

At least that's what they're boasting about right now. Too bad, for them, that that charade will come crashing down soon enough.

I just finished reading Andrew Ferguson's article titled "Tough, Smart' Democrats Try to Play Offense", in which he mocks their "Real Security" 'plan'. Here's a glimpse of his mockery of Dems:
Given the near-panic among Democrats to prove that they are not, after all, a ragtag band of peaceniks and flower children, unfit for leadership in the war on terror, the possibilities seemed endless. Would Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid appear in a loincloth streaked with animal blood? And House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, would she dust off that old Wagnerian Valkyrie costume from her sorority's masquerade ball and present herself to the American people as the Bay Area Brunhilde she truly is?

No such luck. At the press conference the visuals were disappointingly dull, and that unprecedented coordination showed only in the focus-group-approved lingo the two leaders used.

"Americans,'' Reid said, "demand policies that are tough and smart. "Real leadership,'' Pelosi said,  "demands tough and smart policies."
There you have it, folks. Focus group-tested lines, backed up by 3 pages of slogans, all wrapped in a red, white and blue coversheet. I feel safer already. Don't you?

If that isn't enough to make you feel downright safe and secure, then you don't want to look at the trailer footage for the new film United 93, the film documenting the heroism of the passengers who went on the offensive against the terrorists before that plane could be flown into Capitol Hill.

Once that film opens April 28th, and people are reminded of that day, a day that started off as a cloudless, blue-skied morning, a day that included the forever-etched-in-our-minds pictures of the Towers collapsing, Don Rumsfeld amongst the Pentagon's rubble trying to account for people and the President addressing the nation from the Oval Office after a day that started in Florida, a stop-off in Louisiana and another stop in Nebraska.

Those poll-tested lines will pale in comparison.

If that isn't a big enough mine field for Democrats to negotiate, how will they prevail when we see images of Harry Reid boasting that "We killed the Patriot Act" to a round of applause from Democrats? How will they prevail when we're reminded of how they're talking censure, and possible impeachment, of President Bush for protecting us from future terrorist attacks?

The reality is that you can't focus group out that string of stupidity.

Cross-posted at California Conservative

Posted Tuesday, April 4, 2006 9:26 AM

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