Democrats: No Single Message Sums Us Up

That's the actual headline of Liz Sidoti's AP article. Actually, Ms. Sidoti isn't the only one saying that.
"It's not that we don't stand for anything, it's that sometimes we stand for everything," said Barry Rubin, executive director of the Nebraska Democratic Party. Rubin said the stand-for-everything approach invites GOP criticism.
You can't write stuff this good unless if your name is Scott Ott. It gets better:
Linda Chavez-Thompson, the AFL-CIO's executive vice president, said one Democratic message will come together. "We're formulating it now, and that is, we are going to change things in Washington and the Democratic Party has the answer ," she said.
That's sure got a nice ring to it, doesn't it? Before they can have an answer, don't they have to have a clue first?

Then there's this:
Janice Brunson, a DNC member from Arizona, said the Democratic Party has a clear message for 2006, but she struggled to explain it. "The problem is we don't have a two- or three-word slogan that pops out," she said.
Let me offer a clear, concise slogan for these tongue-tied twits: "We're clueless but we talk smart."

Cross-posted at California Conservative

Posted Thursday, April 20, 2006 3:57 PM

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