Democrats: Lieberman 'Too Republican'

If ever there was something that sums up the Democratic Party, that's it. Joe Lieberman once was 538 votes away from being Vice President. Now Connecticut Democrats think he's too conservative.
Ned Lamont, a wealthy Greenwich businessman, is trying to snatch the Democratic nomination from Lieberman, arguing that the 64-year-old senator is "Republican-lite." "One thing I hear wherever I go, to all audiences, is, 'Come on Democrats, be a constructive alternative, speak loudly and proudly for what you believe, no more mumbling."' Lamont said.
"No more mumbling"??? Is Lamont stupid enough to believe that Sen. Lieberman hasn't spoken clearly enough in his support for the war? Or is it that he's upset that Sen. Lieberman isn't saying the right things? I suspect that it's the latter. The pacifist 'If we leave them alone, they'll leave us alone' wing of the Democratic Party hasn't been right about foreign policy since I started voting in 1974.

Lieberman has taken up the Scoop Jackson role, something that the moonbats hate him for. That's why they can't be given any of the controls to power. If the pacifists get control of the House or Senate, we'll lose the war on terror. And when you've got John Conyers and 36 co-sponsors pushing impeachment in the House, Harry Reid bragging about eliminating the Patriot Act and Russ Feingold picking up co-sponsors for censure in the Senate, don't tell me that these men will fight the GWOT with everything they've got. The Democratic Party is a party of pacifists if they aren't named Lieberman.
Still, the Democratic discontent remains loud. Edward Anderson is a blogger who helped a friend set up the Web site,, in December 2004, angered by Lieberman's continued support of the Iraq war. "In Joe's hometown, I can't find a Joe booster. If they are, they're a Republican," said Anderson, who lives in New Haven.
You can't find them because they probably read how thugs intimidated people and destroyed property in 2004 if they weren't sufficiently braindead (liberal) enough. Who can blame them? They know who they are and they know that their numbers are large. I suspect that that's all that matters to them.
"I think that there's a significant number of Democrats who are disappointed in the senator's stand on the war," said John Stafstrom, a Lieberman supporter and chairman of the Bridgeport Democratic Town Committee. "He has always had some problems with the more liberal wing of the party anyway. This is a perfect excuse for people to show their displeasure with him."
There's no sign that they'll change their opinion.

Remember this article the next time you hear Democrats call for bipartisanship, too. Their idea of bipartisanship is agreeing on dangerous ultraliberal policies. Republicans' battle cry should be "Just win, Baby", a phrase that Oakland Raiders managing partner Al Davis coined when the Raiders were a competitive team. Conservatives shouldn't be deceived into thinking that they'll get a fair shake in the Agenda Media so they should stop doing things that'll 'buy' them favorable media attention. Just doing what makes sense will get them something more important: votes and political capitol.

Cross-posted at California Conservative

Posted Monday, April 24, 2006 10:00 AM

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