Cynthia McKinney Apologizes (Sorta)

The AP is reporting that moonbat Democrat Cynthia McKinney has apologized for the incident with Capitol Police. Here's a little of her non-apology apology:
"Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I come before this body to personally express again my sincere regret about the encounter with the capitol hill police. I appreciate my colleagues who are standing with me, who love this institution, and who love this country. There should not have been any physical contact in this incident. I have always supported law enforcement and will be voting for H.R. 756, Expressing my gratitude and appreciation to the professionalism and dedication of the men and women of the u.S. Capitol police. I am sorry that this misunderstanding happened at all and i regret its escalation and i apologize. Thank you, Mr. Speaker."
Notice that she didn't apologize to the Capitol Police officer. She merely apologized for a "misunderstanding" and "its escalation." That isn't an apology. It's a feeble attempt to get this off the front page.

You've got to wonder what changed her from being totally defiant one day to sounding a conciliatory note today. Rumor has it that John Lewis lit into her for her statements. I'd love to have been a fly on the wall when that 'conversation' happened.

John Lewis is a man that I have the utmost respect for because he's a true believer in the civil rights movement. He suffered through the worst of the racist south. He had to sit in the back of those buses. He had to sit in a special section in restaurants.

Cynthia McKinney is a race-baiter by comparison. The most she's concerned with about race is being able to play the race card whenever she says something stupid, which is pretty often.

I suspect that most of the steely-eyed stares she's gotten from other House Democrats are because she's thrown a wrench in Democrats' plans to attack President Bush.

Just when they were cranking up their attack machine, Democrats weren't being heard with the McKinney incident getting all the attention.

Posted Thursday, April 6, 2006 12:32 PM

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