America Haters Oppose Iran War

That's Ed Koch's opinion based on his column in Wednesday's Jewish World Review.
Those who opposed the war against Iraq and who will oppose a preemptive strike in an effort to destroy Iran's nuclear bomb facilities are as concerned about our country and its future as those of us who want to make certain by taking military action that the country's future is assured. But in the opposition's ranks there are the usual crazies, pacifists, dreamers and self-haters of the U.S. who believe we are evil in aspirations and actions and our opponents are virtuous and worthy of support, whoever they may be. Senator John McCain put it succinctly, "There's only one thing worse than the United States exercising the military option, that is, a nuclear-armed Iran."
Mayor Koch, I couldn't agree more. Many is the time that I've spoken about the difference between old-fashioned liberals and today's progressives. Simply put, old-fashioned liberals like Ed Koch and Christopher Hitchens still have a spine when it comes to defending America and civilization itself. The 'Hate America First' crowd all comes from the progressives' ranks.

Letting people like Ahmadinejad have a nuclear weapon is simply crazy. He hates Israel; he hates America. He sees himself as the man who is to start Armageddon. Add those things together and it spells one thing: A madman who's willing to use a nuclear weapon against anyone who doesn't agree with him.

Still, the anti-war crazies will oppose war even if it means the destruction of our nation. They'll rationalize it by saying it's our policies that brought the attack to fruition. Nothing's further from the truth. They won't admit that it's Ahmadinejad's desire to bring about Armageddon that's the reason we're going to the brink of disaster. Our policies and actions have nothing to do with his thinking. NOTHING.

I'm not hoping that we'll wage war with Iran. I'm just hoping that we won't back away from the fight if it becomes inevitable.

Cross-posted at California Conservative

Posted Wednesday, May 3, 2006 9:21 PM

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