May 8-11, 2019

May 08 15:28 Nadler, Democrats, make history
May 08 16:20 Democrats vs. the Declaration of Independence

May 09 02:31 The DFL's joke 'compromise'
May 09 18:06 What is President Trump hiding?

May 10 11:54 Make Minnesota competitive again
May 10 21:40 Democrat spin from another planet

May 11 01:48 Wolgamott highlights DFL's budget
May 11 17:05 The Democrats' mask ripped off

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Prior Years: 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
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Nadler, Democrats, make history

For the first time in US history, a committee ordered the Attorney General of the United States to break the law. In voting to hold Attorney General Barr in contempt of Congress, House Democrats cited AG Barr's unwillingness to hand over to them a totally unredacted copy of the Mueller report.

One of the reasons why AG Barr didn't turn that type of report over to the Democrats is because grand jury testimony is confidential and can't be turned over without a court order. Even then, there are only 5 exceptions for releasing grand jury testimony. Congressional oversight isn't one of those exceptions.

Think about that. Democrats, led by House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, have ordered the Attorney General to break the law. Talk about theater of the absurd! That's simply stunning. Jim Jordan nails it with this statement during today's hearing:
[Video no longer available]
Today on Outnumbered OT, Rep. Tom McClintock, (R-Calif.) and a member of the House Judiciary Committee, stated something stunning. He said that only 6 lines were redacted from the 182-page report on obstruction of justice. Think about that! Just 6 lines out of almost 200 pages were redacted. This isn't about oversight. It's about Democrats doing whatever they can to destroy AG Barr's reputation.

Rep. Doug Collins, the Ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, nailed it in this tweet:

This tweet from Rep. Collins is pretty revealing, too:

Today's 'hearing' was mostly about Democrats showboating for the 6:00 news. This wasn't about seeking justice.

Democrat pundits have repeatedly said that they're capable of walking and chewing gum at the same time. I have 2 thoughts on that. It's perhaps possible that they're capable of walking and chewing gum simultaneously. The question is whether they're interested in walking and chewing gum simultaneously. Next, I say perhaps because we haven't seen proof that they can walk and chew gum simultaneously.

Finally, today's clown show is proof that the Democrats' priorities are totally screwed up. While Democrats were conducting this clown show, they weren't addressing illegal immigration, which, the last I looked, is a full-blown crisis. I only know what I can prove. I can't prove that Democrats give a damn about homeland security. I certainly can't prove that they've investigated and legislated simultaneously.

It's time to throw these idiots out in large numbers. Hate-America-first Democrats like Jerry Nadler, Ted Lieu and David Cicilline need to stripped of their authorities because they've created this clown show.

Posted Wednesday, May 8, 2019 3:28 PM

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Democrats vs. the Declaration of Independence

It's apparent that the Democrats' respect for this nation's founding documents, starting with the Declaration of Independence, is minimal at best. In the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence , it states emphatically "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. - That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, - That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes ; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. - Such has been the patient sufferance of these Colonies; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their former Systems of Government. The history of the present King of Great Britain is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over these States. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world."

This afternoon, Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee took the first step in what's expected to be their attempted impeachment of President Trump. In this instance, impeachment would be done because Democrats are sore losers, not because President Trump committed any high crimes or misdemeanors.

This Democrat House of Representatives is setting the principles that this great nation was founded upon on its head. Earlier today, the House Judiciary Committee Democrats voted to hold the Attorney General in contempt of Congress for obeying U.S. statutes.

That's the definition of changing government "for light and transient reasons." It's also the portrait of pettiness. Rep. Doug Collins, (R-GA, the ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, opined thusly:
[Video no longer available]
It's time to throw these bad faith Democrats out of office. They've been all about investigating President Trump. They haven't shown any interest in solving this nation's problems. (Think the illegal immigration crisis.)

Posted Wednesday, May 8, 2019 4:20 PM

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The DFL's joke 'compromise'

It's insulting to hear DFL legislators and Democrat Gov. Tim Walz complain that Republicans hadn't moved from their position of being unwilling to raise Minnesota's taxpayers burden by $12,000,000,000 over the next 4 years. According to this AP article , the DFL expected GOP lawmakers to accept that $12,000,000,000 tax increase in exchange for the DFL cutting $332,000,000 out of the DFL's $50,000,000,000 budget.

That isn't a compromise. That's a total capitulation if it happened. Thankfully, it won't happen. That's because the GOP majority in the Senate won't budge on these (or any other) tax increases.

Minnesota's tax and regulatory system has already made it one of the least competitive states in the US. According to Walz's own Department of Revenue report, the Walz-DFL monster tax increases promise to hit lower income taxpayers the hardest :

The tax plan proposed by Gov. Tim Walz would hit lower income Minnesotans harder than wealthier earners. That's the outcome of analysis by the Democratic governor's own Department of Revenue, which carried out a tax incidence analysis of Walz's plan, which includes, among other things, a reduction in state income taxes but increases in business, estate, gas and vehicle sales tax, among other changes.

According to the revenue department, the overall tax burden on Minnesotans would increase from 11.63 percent currently to 12.39 percent under Walz's plan, an increase of 0.76 percent. However it's the lowest earners who would see a bigger increase in their taxes.

The so-called Party of the Little Guy wants to soak the little guy? That fits the DFL's identity since the DFL seems to think that President Trump's broad-based recovery is only being felt by millionaires and billionaires, not the blue collar workers that've experienced a 4.5% growth in wages compared with the 1% seeing a 3% increase in wages:
[Video no longer available]

The governor said in an interview on Minnesota Public Radio that his budget was based on what the state needs to spend to maintain quality education and other programs at a time when the state's population is growing, and that he'd like to see some reciprocity from Republicans.

That's BS! Minnesota doesn't need to become less competitive taxwise. Republicans' campaign slogan should be 'Make Minnesota competitive again.' There isn't a polite way to put this so I'll just say it. Tim Walz and Melissa Hortman are economic illiterates. Walz was a nobody in Washington, DC. Hortman's list of accomplishments is shorter than Barack Obama's.

If the DFL keeps insisting on their massive tax increases, Hortman will be a 1-term speaker and Republicans will gain seats in the Senate, too. These tax increases are, to put it politely, counterproductive. The DFL should be sued for economic malpractice.

Posted Thursday, May 9, 2019 2:31 AM

Comment 1 by J. Ewing at 09-May-19 09:20 AM
The biggest problem with your scenario is the PNPA-- the People Not Paying Attention. Walz and his nefarious legions will claim we must "pay for a better Minnesota" and simply let everyone assume that THEY will not be the ones paying. Republicans have to somehow make the public notice these liars, thieves and charlatans.

Comment 2 by J. Ewing at 10-May-19 07:56 AM
So are we headed for a government shutdown, AGAIN?

Response 2.1 by Gary Gross at 10-May-19 08:56 AM
Of course we are. I'll have more on this this weekend.

What is President Trump hiding?

A year ago, CNN's Don Lemon asked what is President Trump hiding? A month ago, MSNBC's Nicole Wallace asked the same question. Yesterday on FNC's The Five, Juan Williams asked the same question. Since this seems to be the Democrats' favorite question, let's try and determine what they're talking about.

Yesterday, the Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee voted to hold Attorney General William Barr in contempt of Congress. (This is as meaningful as finding out whether unicorns are real.) During the course of that kangaroo court, we learned that Part II, aka the obstruction of justice part, of the Mueller Report was 182 pages long from Rep. Tom McClintock, (R-Calif.) Later, we learned that a whopping total of 6 lines were redacted from those 182 pages.

That isn't even enough to qualify as a rounding error.

Here's a question for showboating Democrats. How is it possible to hide evidence of obstruction of justice in just 6 lines? Here's another question. Is it possible to hide evidence of obstruction of justice 6 lines? Let's remember that these 6 lines aren't consecutive in the report. They're spaced throughout those 182 pages.

What this provides is a picture of how intellectually unimpressive House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, (D-NY), is. Based on his performance thus far, I'm betting that boxes of cereal have more gravitas than Chairman Nadler. Then again, some of the sideline commentators aren't the brightest bulbs in the chandelier, either:
[Video no longer available]
Let's be clear about something. Jerry Nadler is the opposite of a principled person. Nobody mistakes him for a man of integrity.

Posted Thursday, May 9, 2019 6:06 PM

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Make Minnesota competitive again

If you haven't paid attention to the legislature this session, you've undoubtedly save yourself a ton of aggravation. The DFL House and DFL Gov. Tim Walz insist on a) turning Minnesota into a cold California and b) spending Minnesota into oblivion. Simply put, these people are beyond nuts!!!

The Minnesota Watchdog's Quote of the Week is from Sen. Michelle Benson (R - Ham Lake). She said "Between 2016 and 2023 our state budget is forecast to grow $11.5 billion. The Governor and House want to add $12 billion in new spending."

Harold Hamilton, the man responsible for putting the weekly commentary, noted "In addition to limits on taxation, there are limits on spending. The state is on an unsustainable trajectory, with a day of reckoning coming because taxes simply can't be raised high enough to support DFL spending desires. Last week's edition showed the massive and exponential growth of the state's 'all funds' spending over the past 50 years. This growth has far exceeded population growth and inflation over time.

" As recently as 2001, the state spent $37 billion in that biennium. This biennium will see all funds spending of $83 billion. "
[Video no longer available]
This isn't negotiating a budget. It's about determining whether we want to chase the rest of the productive people out of Minnesota. Hamilton continues:

High tax states are falling into a fiscal death spiral as they raise taxes to cover more and more spending while at the same time fewer and fewer taxpayers remain to shoulder the burden. Connecticut is the poster child for this liber-induced fiscal death spiral. New York is becoming so. Recent changes to the federal tax code limited the deductibility of state taxes, which was essentially a federal subsidy for wealthy people living in those high-tax states. Both tax and real estate data are showing that wealth New Yorkers are leaving the state and establishing domicile in tax friendly jurisdictions like Florida.

It's time to kick these DFL idiots out of the legislature in huge numbers. It's essential to establish, at minimum, conservative supermajorities in the House and Senate so we can thwart the DFL's plans. If we don't defeat these idiots, Minnesota will drift quickly into economic oblivion.

Posted Friday, May 10, 2019 11:54 AM

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Democrat spin from another planet

The only way to characterize this article is to call it Democrat spin from another planet. How else would you characterize this BS?

Supreme Court reform has entered the public debate, with legal luminaries like former Attorney General Eric Holder and constitutional law professor Laurence Tribe supporting adding justices to the Supreme Court, and a number of 2020 presidential candidates expressing openness to the idea.

Regardless of your views on proposals to reform the Supreme Court, there is important context to this discussion that is often missed: Conservatives are already packing the courts. Senate Republicans have been changing the rules and ignoring long-standing practices in order to fill the judiciary with narrow-minded conservative elitists. Their goal is to use the courts to implement conservative policies, regardless of their popular support. The issue we face now is how to respond to this power grab.

Conservatives have done everything they can to keep their years-long court packing efforts under the radar. Rather than start by adding new judges, they instead subtracted them, quietly refusing to let President Barack Obama appoint judges. Then, under President Donald Trump, they have changed the rules to fill those seats with ultra-right wing judges at breakneck speed.

First, it's BS to say that conservatives quietly refused "to let President Barack Obama appoint judges." They stood in the way of Judge Merrick Garland. That's the only one. Period. That's judge (singular), not judges (plural.)

Next, conservatives aren't "packing" any court. They're doing a fantastic job of confirming judges appointed by President Trump, just like Harry Reid did when he was the Senate Majority Leader and President Obama did the nominating. The difference is that Sen. Reid threw out the rulebook (and the filibuster) on district court and appellate court judges.

The other difference is that Sen. Mitch McConnell is doing a far better job of confirming President Trump's judicial nominees than Reid did with confirming President Obama's judicial appointees. That falls under the category of " Elections have consequences . I won." Only presidents get to nominate judges. Congress's role is advise and consent. They play a roll but their role is well-defined and limited.

Packing the court has always meant that a president has tried adding judges to a court when it's already full. This idiot spinmeister is attempting to tell people that a president filling vacancies on the district courts, appellate courts and the Supreme Court, which is the president's responsibility, is somehow a constitutional crisis. Hint to the author: Presidents have been doing this since the late 1700s. They've done it because it's part of their job.

Posted Friday, May 10, 2019 9:40 PM

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Wolgamott highlights DFL's budget

Friday, I received Dan Wolgamott's weekly e-letter update. The subject of this week's e-letter update was the budget. Wolgamott and the DFL are touting their 'investment' in education rather than talking about the DFL's $12,000,000,000 tax increase over the next 4 years:

For more on the House's Minnesota Values Budget, you can read about the innovations and investments we're making in health care, education, transportation, and taxes here. These aren't gimmicks or quick fixes to complicated issues. We've made smart, steady investments that are backed up by the values Minnesotans hold dear, and I hope you'll join me in urging my Senate colleagues to work with us in a way that moves Minnesota forward, not back.

I'm sure it's purely accidental ( not! ) that this is the only informational graphic in the e-letter update:

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that Wolgamott doesn't want to be known for the huge tax increases he's voted for. Zach Dorholt became famous for voting for the DFL's huge tax increases in 2013. He was defeated in 2014. Wolgamott is a career politician wannabe serving his first term. He wants to last longer than Dorholt. That's why he's downplaying the tax hikes that would make Minnesota unattractive to businesses if they went into effect.

Then there's this:

This highlights just one of several areas where the unsatisfactory investments made in the Senate don't even come close closing the education funding gap that hurts our schools and students. Our education proposal in the House is the product of input from students, parents, teachers, and administrators. We're funding our schools based on conversations we've had at Town Halls like the ones I've held in St. Cloud. This is your budget, and I'll continue to fight for the investments that you deserve.

Unfortunately for his constituents, he'll fight hardest for the biggest tax increases in state history. What's worst is that the DFL's tax increases hit the lowest 25% of income earners the hardest of all income groups:

The tax plan proposed by Gov. Tim Walz would hit lower income Minnesotans harder than wealthier earners. That's the outcome of analysis by the Democratic governor's own Department of Revenue, which carried out a tax incidence analysis of Walz's plan, which includes, among other things, a reduction in state income taxes but increases in business, estate, gas and vehicle sales tax, among other changes.

According to the revenue department, the overall tax burden on Minnesotans would increase from 11.63 percent currently to 12.39 percent under Walz's plan, an increase of 0.76 percent. However it's the lowest earners who would see a bigger increase in their taxes.

That's what Dan Wolgamott and the DFL are fighting for. They aren't fighting for students. They're fighting for Education Minnesota and other DFL special interest groups. Tim Walz's and the DFL's profligate spending aren't investing in the future. They're pushing productive Minnesotans to other states.

Finally, Rep. Wolgamott and the DFL are making Minnesota more uncompetitive. The DFL couldn't do much more to push businesses away except putting a sign on each entrance to the state saying 'Businesses aren't welcome here.'

Posted Saturday, May 11, 2019 1:48 AM

Comment 1 by Chad Q at 11-May-19 06:28 AM
Soon they will just say they are going to take our paychecks and give us a monthly stipend to live on. There will never be enough money for the DFL machine to spend.

The Democrats' mask ripped off

Nobody does it better than Salena Zito. This week, the 'it' that I'm referring to is exposing who the Loony Left is. As with all of her reporting, Ms. Zito relied on a suitable foil. (My word, not Ms. Zito's.) This week's villain is Pennsylvania Democrat Brian Sims.

Sims is the jackass that harassed women in front of a Planned Parenthood clinic in Philadelphia. He's also a Pennsylvania Democrat representing part of Philadelphia.

This is how big of a jerk Sims is:
[Video no longer available]
That's behavior far beyond what a jerk does. That's what I'd expect from a militant activist. Frankly, I'd throw him in a woodchipper if it was legal. Here's what Ms. Zito wrote:

When Brian Sims first ran for state representative in 2012, he ran as a new pro-business voice. He was going to be a bridge-builder, brimming with commonsense ideas on pocketbook issues. Sims never met that promise.

That's understatement. It gets worse:

Last week, Sims decided to film his own harassment of a woman outside an abortion clinic here in Philadelphia, calling her an 'old white lady' and her beliefs 'grotesque' to her face and to the camera. The clear plan was to incite his audience against this peaceful protester, whom he saw as clearly bigoted and evil.

The whole act opened the window for Twitter observers into a dark, dark place in American culture, a gaping divide none of us quite know how to navigate. And while Sims' harassment was, on the one hand, shocking, it was expected. A politician abusing his power thusly to crush religious conservatives is exactly what so many of us have been bracing for.

This was no outburst in the heat of a debate. He wasn't reacting to a stressful situation. It also wasn't a talk show appearance that went sour, nor was it a barroom brawl. He wasn't caught off guard at his home or his office or a campaign event.

To put it succinctly, Sims ripped his own 'moderate' mask off. He pretended to be a moderate while he was actually a bitter radical. This should be a lesson for naive Republicans.

It'd be nice to think that we can get along with these types of Democrats. That isn't a luxury we can afford at this time. Republicans should realize that the left has gotten radicalized. (Think Antifa, Black Lives Matter and Occupy Wall Street.) Then think Bernie Sanders and AOC.

This was an emboldened, out-of-touch, arrogant elected official who woke up one day last week and made a conscious decision to go to Planned Parenthood for the express purpose of fighting and badgering.

And he chose a woman, standing by herself. And he didn't start a dialogue. He didn't introduce himself. He badgered her. Repeatedly. Relentlessly. Angrily. He badgered an enemy he himself described as an old lady.

If ever there was a time to just utterly defeat Democrats, it's right now. These radicals aren't just wrong on the issues, they're evil. Further, let's realize that there aren't that many moderate Democrats. I frequently tell my friends that the definition of the moderate Democrat is a Democrat running for office in a swing district. The moderation disappears an hour after they win election.

UPDATE: Watch the entire video. Sims claims that he's seen the "insults, the attacks, the slurs and the racism that those protesters aim at mostly young girls." Why didn't he videotape that? Why didn't he post that to Youtube? I'm betting that he didn't because it doesn't exist.

Posted Saturday, May 11, 2019 5:49 PM

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