October 3, 2006 Posts

03:08 CAIR Denounces Terrorist Interrogation Legislation
10:28 Video Card Problems
15:50 Pelosi Blasts Frist for What He Didn't Say
17:15 Black Voters Abandoning McCaskill?
18:56 Which Lie Will Hatch Stick With?
20:09 Sen. Bachmann Speaks Out Against Foley
21:26 Irey Criticizes Murtha For Selling Vote, Selling Out Veterans

CAIR Denounces Terrorist Interrogation Legislation

Proving yet again that they oppose anything that protects Americans from terrorist attacks, CAIR denounced the compromise terrorist interrogation legislation:
From the Council of American-Islamic Relations, Sameena Usman offered a prayer in Arabic and English, "I pray that God will guide us all on the straight path, may God restore the sanctity of human life, may he protect people all around the world from the evil of torture regardless of faith, race or nationality, may he bring us all together in his fold of peace and justice."
Let's be clear about something: CAIR and Democrats sound very much alike on this issue. Here's the title of CAIR's press release on the interrogation legislation: CAIR-CA: Torture Compromise Violates American Values

Here's what Sen. Maria Cantwell, (D-WA), said about HR 3930:
"The legislation voted on by the full Senate will permit the Bush Administration to undermine the Geneva Conventions, broadly expand the definition of enemy combatants, allow for coerced and secret evidence and abandon habeus corpus."
Here's part of Hillary's statement:
"We must convict and punish the guilty in a way that reinforces their guilt before the world and does not undermine our values."
Here's part of Sen. Dodd's, (D-CT), speech on the Senate floor:
We can, and we must, balance our responsibilities to bring terrorists completely to justice, while at the same time protecting what it means to be America.
Frankly, it's disturbing to hear Democrats and CAIR characterize sleep deprivation, blaring rock music, etc. as torture. STOP ALREADY. It isn't torture. Is it rough? Definitely. Liberals whine that not giving enemy combatants captured on the battlefields of Afghanistan and Iraq habeus corpus protections is counter-constitutional and anti-American. NONSENSE.

One of the first affirmative mandates of the Constitution is on the Commander-in-Chief to protect us from all enemies. If coercive techniques protect us from future terrorist attacks, I don't care if the 'world community' thinks of the US as ruffians and bullies. In fact, I rather like that image.

Another argument liberals use is saying "What's to protect you from President Hillary Clinton from calling you an enemy combatant and held without constitutional guarantees of the right to counsel and judicial oversight? Several things, actually. First of all, Hillary couldn't get elected President if her life depended on it. She's less appealing in America's heartland than W is appealing to Manhattan's liberals.

Second of all, that's a sham argument since the people who would be interrogated by the CIA would have been captured on foreign battlefields. Since I don't have plans anytime soon of fighting with Islamic terrorists in Afghanistan anytime soon, I won't lose much sleep on being waterboarded by Hillary Clinton's CIA.

Posted Tuesday, October 3, 2006 3:08 AM

August 2006 Posts

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Video Card Problems

I'm currently experiencing problems with my video card so I'm taking the tower into the PC repair shop to get the video card replaced. I should be back up by late afternoon.

Feel free to read all of my great posts until then.

UPDATE: Thanks to the professionals at CallaTechnician.com, I'm back up & running at 2:15PM CT. Good job Mark!!!

Posted Tuesday, October 3, 2006 2:58 PM

August 2006 Posts

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Pelosi Blasts Frist for What He Didn't Say

It's apparent that Nancy Pelosi is upset with Bill Frist if you read this press release. The bad news for Pelosi is that she obviously didn't look at Sen. Frist's VOLPAC blog. If she had, she would've known that the AP got something wrong. AGAIN.

Here's the first paragraph from Pelosi's statement:
"We went to war in Afghanistan five years ago to crush the Taliban for the role it played in the 9/11 attacks. Sen. Frist now suggests that the best way forward in Afghanistan is to coddle the Taliban by welcoming Taliban members into a coalition government, as if 9/11 had never happened."
If Sen. Frist had actually said that, Ms. Pelosi's anger would be justified. Unfortunately, the AP article got it wrong:
U.S. Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist said Monday that the Afghan guerrilla war can never be won militarily and called for efforts to bring the Taliban and their supporters into the Afghan government.

The Tennessee Republican said he had learned from briefings that Taliban fighters were too numerous and had too much popular support to be defeated by military means. "You need to bring them into a more transparent type of government," Frist said during a brief visit to a U.S. and Romanian military base in the southern Taliban stronghold of Qalat. "And if that's accomplished we'll be successful."

Frist said asking the Taliban to join the government was a decision to be made by Afghan President Hamid Karzai.
Unfortunately, that isn't accurate. Here's Mr. Frist's post on his VOLPAC blog:
Having discussed the situation with commanders on the ground, I believe that we cannot stabilize Afghanistan purely through military means. Our counter-insurgency strategy must win hearts and minds and persuade moderate Islamists potentially sympathetic to the Taliban to accept the legitimacy of the Afghan national government and democratic political processes.
Ms. Pelosi would be well-advised to not trust everything she reads in the Agenda Media, especially foreign reports from the AP. Someone should tell her that she'd get more accurate information from the Right Blogosphere.

Posted Tuesday, October 3, 2006 3:50 PM

August 2006 Posts

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Black Voters Abandoning McCaskill?

It's impossible to ascertain that from a single story but if it were possible this would be the story:

McCaskill Gets "F" - Talent Gains Major African-American Support

Via St. Louis blogger Pubdef :

Black Businessmen Raise Funds for Talent, Give McCaskill "F" on Issues

A group of African-American business leaders held a breakfast fundraiser for Talent this morning at the offices of Midwestern Construction Company in old north St. Louis. Talent told the roomful of nearly 100 black business, civic, and church leaders that too often politicians come to the African-American community and tell them what they are going to do. He said what he tries to do is ask people what they want him to do for them. "Politicians do that with other communities of interest," said Talent. "I don't go to the farmers and say this is what Jim Talent thinks ought to happen in agriculture."
I get the distinct impression that Ms. McCaskill doesn't connect with black voters. That's only re-inforced with this fundraising story and this story where she tried appealing to black voters this way:
"George Bush let people die on rooftops in New Orleans because they were poor and because they were black," she told a group of Democratic state legislators last week.
Thanks to bloggers like Gateway Pundit, inept politicians like Ms. McCaskill can't get away with saying such things without paying a steep price for them. In fact, a comparison between McCaskill and Talent shows that Sen. Talent has a real gift of relating to voters of all races. He relates to voters by first listening to them rather than telling them how great he is or how awful the other candidate is.

There's an old adage that the best politicians know well: People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.

Let's compare Sen. Talent's and McCaskill's presentations by that yardstick:
Talent told the roomful of nearly 100 black business, civic, and church leaders that too often politicians come to the African-American community and tell them what they are going to do. He said what he tries to do is ask people what they want him to do for them.
Now Ms. McCaskill's presentation:
"George Bush let people die on rooftops in New Orleans because they were poor and because they were black," she told a group of Democratic state legislators last week.
If I'm in Ms. McCaskill's audience, I'm likely to ask something like "What does George Bush have to do with why I should vote for this McCaskill lady?" I'd have a completely different reaction to Sen. Talent's presentation. My first reaction is likely to be "Finally. A politician that listens first."

Their presentations are dramatically different and the advantage doesn't favor Ms. McCaskill.

Posted Tuesday, October 3, 2006 5:19 PM

August 2006 Posts

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Which Lie Will Hatch Stick With?

Michael Broadkorb first brought up the issue of some unusual campaign contributions made to the DFL party of Lac Qui Parle County here. Things have gone downhill for Mike Hatch since then. Part of that slide is best captured in this MNGOP factsheet:

Hatch Now Maintains He Asked Only Ted Deikel To Contribute To The Lac Qui Parle County DFL:

Pioneer Press: "Hatch, In An Interview Thursday, Said He May Have Urged At Least One Of The Donors, Theodore Deikel, A Prominent Twin Cities Businessman And A Longtime Hatch Supporter, To Donate To The Lac Qui Parle Committee." (Patrick Sweeney, "State GOP Questions large DFL Donations," Pioneer Press, September 29, 2006)

Hatch: "The Only One I May Have Called Is Ted Deikel."

"'The only one I may have called is Ted Deikel,' [Hatch] said, adding that he could have done so at the request of a Lac Qui Parle party official who is a friend." ("GOP Asks Probe Of Contributions To County DFL Unit," Star Tribune, September 29, 2006)

But Hatch Previously Acknowledged Asking Mega Donor Jim Deal To Contribute To The Lac Qui Parle County DFL:

But Hatch "Told The Pioneer Press He Had Asked Insurance Executive Jim Deal To Contribute To The Committee." "'I'm almost positive I didn't call the others,' [Hatch] said. Previously, Hatch told the Pioneer Press he had asked insurance executive Jim Deal to contribute to the committee." (Patrick Sweeney, "State GOP Questions large DFL Donations," Pioneer Press, September 29, 2006)

A former mentor of mine used to say "It's easier to tell the truth because then you don't have to wonder which version you told which person." It appears as though Mr. Hatch didn't get the wise counsel that I got.

The only remaining question is which lie Hatch wants to defend? Then again, he might choose option C, choosing a different lie to defend.

Posted Tuesday, October 3, 2006 7:39 PM

August 2006 Posts

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Sen. Bachmann Speaks Out Against Foley

State Sen. Michele Bachmann issued the following statement today regarding disgraced Rep. Mark Foley, (R-FL):
"As mother of five children and foster mother of 23 children, I find the communications between the former Representative Mark Foley and the former House Congressional pages unacceptable and abhorrent," said Michele Bachmann. "It is an obscene breach of trust. He must be investigated and safeguards must be expanded."

"One of the pieces of legislation I supported in the Minnesota Senate was to create an Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force (SF1400) to provide a steady funding stream," stated Bachmann. "I have a six-year record of voting for Child Protection legislation. I have always been an outspoken advocate for traditional values."

Posted Tuesday, October 3, 2006 8:09 PM

August 2006 Posts

Comment 1 by Eva Young at 04-Oct-06 12:16 AM


Karl comments:

Once again, Michele Bachmann takes credit for authoring legislation that went nowhere. In her press release in response to the Capitol Hill pedophile scandal involving Former Congressman Mike Foley and their enablers like House Speaker Denny Hastert, Bachmann cites SF 1400, the "Internet Crimes Agianst Children Task Force," as evidence that she's done something to protect the children.

SF 1400 was introduced March 3, 2005, with Bachmann, Mady Reiter and as authors. It was referred to the Crime and Public Safety Committee. Then on April 4, Reiter withdrew it and re-referred it to Finance, and two days later withdrew it again and re-referred it back to Crime and Public Safety. It hasn't been heard from since. Its companion bill in the House, HF 3725, never got a hearing either.

There you have it. That's what Michele Bachmann has done to protect children from internet predators and pedophiles like Former Congressman Mike Foley and their enablers like House Speaker Denny Hastert. She slapped her name on a bill and walked away from it.

What a fraud Michele Bachmann is.

Irey Criticizes Murtha For Selling Vote, Selling Out Veterans

Diana Irey held a press conference today to call attention to the corruption in Washington and to John Murtha's selling of votes. First, here's what she said about teh various Washington scandals involving politicians:
"It seems you cannot pick up a newspaper today and read about what's going on in Washington without being disgusted at the corruption. Whether it's Duke Cunningham taking $2 million under the table from defense contractors seeking earmarked appropriations, or William Jefferson getting caught in an FBI sting with $90,000 cash in his freezer, or Bob Ney posing for photographs on a golf trip to St. Andrews paid for illegally by a corrupt lobbyist, or Alan Mollohan under federal investigation for directing millions of dollars in earmarked taxpayer funds to charitable organizations run by former staffers who then turn around and cut him in on business deals, the news is disappointing, disturbing, and disgusting.

"This is not a problem confined to Republicans or to Democrats, nor to conservatives or to liberals. It is a problem where the dividing line is far simpler and easier to understand, on the one hand are those found inside the Washington Beltway, and on the other hand are,the rest of us.

"This weekend's revelations regarding Mark Foley and his unconscionable behavior toward teenage children under the care of the U.S. House of Representatives is only the latest in a long line of cases of corruption in Congress, moral corruption in this case, but corruption nonetheless.
It isn't possible for people of conscience to rationalize, much less justify, the actions of Mssrs. Foley, Jefferson or Mollahan. Their actions are reprehensible and then some. It's important that Republicans not attempt to justify Mr. Foley's actions. It's apparent that Ms. Irey made no such attempt. Her outrage is palpable.

Ms. Irey next directs her focus to 'Trader Jack' Murtha:
"Let us look at two examples in particular: As reported in yesterday's New York Times, Jack Murtha voted against a proposal to research prosthetic limbs for veterans, and also against $150 million for veterans' health care and job training. In exchange for his votes, he was rewarded with earmarks."

"So our Congressman, who styles himself the champion of the military, deliberately voted against providing funds to research prosthetic limbs for veterans, and against providing $150 million for veterans' health care and job training benefits,in exchange for money. I guess helping veterans, even those who had lost limbs in the service of their country, isn't quite as important as Jack Murtha wants us to think he thinks it is.
I'd compare 'Trader Jack' with a used car salesman but I don't want to bring all used car salesmen down to Murtha's level. The public image that 'Trader Jack' has built simply doesn't square with his voting habits. It's disgraceful to hold yourself up as a champion of the military while you're voting to not provide funding for research needed to make our injured veterans and while not providing the needed funding of vets' health care and job training.

Frankly, the thought of 'Trader Jack' holding himself up as the champion of the military while (a) not providing health care funding; (b) not providing for prosthetic research that veterans need so badly and (c) after accusing the Haditha Marines of killing innocent Iraqis "in cold blood" should infuriate every veteran across the nation. Scratch that. It should infuriate every American. PERIOD.

We don't need liars like that roaming the halls of Congress. That's why Murtha Must Go.

Posted Tuesday, October 3, 2006 9:26 PM

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