October 19, 2006 Posts

01:43 How NOT to Make a Great First Impression
09:54 New ad on GOP.com
11:44 All Politics Are Local
16:08 Democrats' Goal: Reverse Bush's Accomplishments
18:36 Democrats Trot Out Discredited Claims Again
23:35 Ellison's Positions on Crime Have Been Dismayingly Clear

How NOT to Make a Great First Impression

Earlier tonight, I caught a small portion of the debate between Steve Kagen, candidate and John Gard, the DFL and Republican candidates for the District #8 in the U.S. House of Representatives. I didn't catch the question but Mr. Gard was speaking about how important the Patriot Act is in preventing terrorist attacks.

Soon Mr. Gard's time was up and Mr. Kagen started by saying "Terrorists, especially the violent kind..." Forgive me for not knowing what the rest of his response was but I was laughing too hard to hear it. I kept thinking "Right. The violent terrorists as opposed to the other terrorists that fill out the government regulations describing their plot to kill innocents, the other type of terrorists that haggle with the staff down at the office."

Another thought that crossed my mind was whether Democrats always recruited such stupid candidates. Let's face it; Democratic candidates like Bob Casey Jr. aren't my impression of candidates that can think on their feet and make great decisions on the most important issues of the day.

For America's sake, let's hope that Mr. Gard wins November 7th. We can't afford idiots in the U.S. House.

Posted Thursday, October 19, 2006 1:43 AM

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New ad on GOP.com

Follow this link to view the latest ad put together by the RNC. The imagery is powerful; the message a grim reminder of why we must vote in droves. A very powerful ad.

Posted Thursday, October 19, 2006 9:56 AM

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All Politics Are Local

According to this article, Mike Sodrel might be getting some welcome help in his campaign. Here's what's helping Mr. Sodrel:
In the struggling factory heartland of America, the prospect of a hiring spree brings out proud executives, ecstatic employees and a lot of very relieved Republicans. The announcement this month by diesel engine maker Cummins Inc. that 600 to 800 jobs would be created at its once-decimated Columbus plant drew two U.S. congressmen and the state governor, Republicans all, to celebrate the success of drawing new jobs to their district. "We still have challenges, but there are more people working today in America than ever before...and it's good news," said Rep. Mike Sodrel, who is trailing Democrat Baron Hill in polls for the November 7 election, when control of Congress is at stake.
File this in the "All politics are local" category. The more hopeful people are, the better it is for imcumbents. Let's hope that Cummins' news returns Mike Sodrel to the House.

Posted Thursday, October 19, 2006 11:45 AM

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Democrats' Goal: Reverse Bush's Accomplishments

That's the unmistakeable message that's trumpeted in this Washington Times article. Here's the opening paragraph:
The Democrats' election-year agenda, which says what they will do if the voters put them back in charge of Congress, would seek to overturn or change just about everything President Bush and the Republicans have done since 2001. Key parts of their agenda call for repealing the bulk of the administration's tax cuts, ending the ban on federal funding for new lines of stem-cell research and limiting some of the investigative, prosecutorial and surveillance methods in the counterterrorism USA Patriot Act.
Rush is calling conservatives who plan on sitting this election out to send a message to President Bush 'Cut & Run Conservatives'. By not voting, Cut and Run Republicans are voting for the following agenda:
  • economy-wrecking tax increases;
  • weakened national and homeland security;
  • endless investigations, including impeachment hearings, that 'criminalize' policy disagreements;
  • gutting of the Patriot Act;
  • elimination of the NSA intercept program; and finally
  • the repeal of the Military Commissions Act, which also includes the codification and clarification of coerced interrogation techniques.
If the Senate flips, it'd eliminate any chance of a Justice Janice Rogers-Brown to replace John Paul Stevens. Instead, we'd have to accept some mushy watered-down justice in the mold of a Souter or O'Connor.
Rep. Charles B. Rangel of New York, who likely would become chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee if the Democrats win the House back, has said that he could not think of a single Bush tax cut that he supported and suggested that all of them should be repealed. But Mrs. Pelosi, who would be in line to become speaker, said last week that the tax-cut rollback would only affect people earning $250,000 a year or more.
President Bush would veto that legislation in a heartbeat but I still tremble that we'd be wasting time on such crippling legislation when we should be attempting to find a solution to the impending crises to Social Security and Medicare.

One last thing for Cut and Run Conservatives to ponder: What's the chances that Ted Kennedy and John McCain would write 'immigration reform' legislation that wouldn't undo the work we've done in building the border wall?

If we're gonna send a message, let's send it AFTER this election by funding primary challengers to the RINO's that are troubling us. Let's not self destruct and ruin life for a decade.

Posted Thursday, October 19, 2006 4:09 PM

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Democrats Trot Out Discredited Claims Again

The DNC has issued a two -part statement designed to put the GOP on the defensive. What they've really done is the equivalent of a prizefighter 'leading with his chin'; they've opened themselves up for a flurry of attacks. Their list of complaints starts with an oldy but a goody:

Bush Broke Promise To Fire Anyone (Even Karl Rove) Who Was Involved in CIA Leak:

September 29, 2003: McClellan Said Leaker Would Be Fired. White House Press Secretary Scott McClellan said: "If anyone in this administration was involved in it, they would no longer be in this administration."

September 30, 2003: Bush Said That If There Was A Leak In His Administration They Would Be "Taken Care Of." President Bush reiterated stern treatment for the culprit, saying, "if there was a leak out of my administration, I want to know who it is. And if the person has violated law, the person will be taken care of...And so I welcome the investigation...I have told our administration people in my administration to be fully cooperative. I want to know the truth."
As we now know, Richard Armitage was the leaker in the Valerie Plame non-scandal. Karl Rove isn't a leaker. Verifier? Yes. Leaker? Don't insult my intelligence with such allegations. The next accusation is another oldy but goody:

Bush Used Faulty Intelligence To Sell The Iraq War:

Bush Administration Used Faulty Pre-War Intelligence On Numerous Occasions. Despite the warnings from within the Administration, "faulty intelligence from the group (Iraqi National Congress) made its way into several pre-war intelligence reports, including the October 2002 National Intelligence Estimate that directly preceded the Senate vote on the Iraq war...sources introduced to American intelligence by the group directly influenced two key judgments of that document: that Mr. Hussein possessed mobile biological weapons laboratories and was trying to re-constitute his nuclear program." In addition, "a DIA official who knew that the source was unreliable sat in on two meetings in which the mobile labs information was incorporated into the speech Secretary of State Colin L. Powell delivered in February 2003 to the U.N. Security Council."
Looking at that heading, I see that it isn't an oldy but goody. They've changed it from Bush lied, people died to "the intelligence was faulty." Why'd they change? Possibly because they know people know better than to believe that President Bush lied us into war like Democrats have accused him of previously.

Then there's this:

U.S. Intelligence Agencies: War In Iraq Hurting The War On Terror.

"The war in Iraq has become a primary recruitment vehicle for violent Islamic extremists, motivating a new generation of potential terrorists around the world whose numbers may be increasing faster than the United States and its allies can reduce the threat, U.S. intelligence analysts have concluded. A 30-page National Intelligence Estimate completed in April cites the 'centrality' of the U.S. invasion of Iraq, and the insurgency that has followed, as the leading inspiration for new Islamic extremist networks and cells that are united by little more than an anti-Western agenda. It concludes that, rather than contributing to eventual victory in the global counterterrorism struggle, the situation in Iraq has worsened the U.S. position, according to officials familiar with the classified document."
Frankly, it's getting old to refute the Democrats' claims about the NIE so I'll let Jack Kelly's column do it for me. I'd recommend reading the entire column.

Republican Officeholders Routinely Showed That They Don't Think The Rules Apply To Them.
The statement goes onto mention Tom DeLay, Bob Ney and Duke Cunningham. Imagine my surprise in noticing how they don't mention Harry Reid, William Jefferson, John Murtha, Allan Mollohan, Congressional hopeful Keith Ellison and Ms. Scandal a Week Claire McCaskill. It appears as though the DNC is employing the same standards as CREW is.

Those are just a few of the things listed. I'll let you read the rest yourself and let you draw your own conclusions.

Posted Thursday, October 19, 2006 6:36 PM

August 2006 Posts

Comment 1 by Thomas at 19-Oct-06 11:28 PM
How many Democratic members of congress do you know solicited sex from minors over the internet? And once again your claims matter little when you don't use any evidence at all. Your compelling "as we know now" really does a fine job of convincing me. Until you have any facts at all, I think you are about as credible as the National Enquirer (except people read the Enquirer). Also, I would like you to find a single instance of any member of the Democratic legislative leadership saying "he lied they died", that slogan (in addition to being true) was used in a grass roots movement and was never picked up by the Democratic leadership in congress.

Ellison's Positions on Crime Have Been Dismayingly Clear

That's the title of a post on Katherine Kersten's new "Think Again" blog. Katherine's post speaks volumes on Keith Ellison's hostility to the law. Here's her prime example:

In 2000 he spoke at a fundraiser for longtime fugitive Kathleen Soliah, aka Sara Jane Olson. The text of his speech was posted on a website, www.soliah.com, by Minneapolis resident Greg Lang.

Ellison praised Soliah for "fighting for freedom." At the time, she faced charges of planting pipe bombs under two Los Angeles police cars as a member of the Symbionese Liberation Army, a paramilitary organization whose slogan was "Death to the fascist insect that preys on the life of the people." Soliah pleaded guilty in 2001. In 2002 she also pleaded guilty to the murder of Myrna Opsahl, a bank customer shot by another SLA member during a holdup. She's now serving a long prison sentence.

But Ellison's call to the crowd was broader than a plea to aid Soliah. "We need to come together and free all the Saras," he proclaimed.

The people of MN-5 have to ask themselves if they want an advocate for a fugitive/murderer representing them. I can't imagine even 'enlightened people' thinking that the outspoken advocate for a murderer should represent them.

As a criminal defense attorney, Ellison told the crowd, he saw "startling similarities" between Soliah and the gang members he represents: Bloods, Vice Lords, Gangster Disciples. He portrayed gang members as misunderstood victims, ordinary folks whose parents "scrimp, save, maybe sell plates of BBQ chicken so Junior can get an attorney." Gangs are "stigmatized" and "vilified," he explained, just as Soliah's Symbionese Liberation Army was. "Nobody ever knows what it means to BE a Blood," he maintained, "because they've already said this is "just evil."

In fact, in Ellison's view, young black men in prison seemed almost to morph into civil rights advocates. "The people who govern this society," he suggested, are "incarcerating all these young black men" in some kind of retribution for the victories of 60s civil rights activists, and those who campaigned to "free Nelson Mandela." For the powerful, he said, the "very idea of,black people having civil rights has got to be obliterated with [obviously] the criminal justice system and incarceration."

Forgive me if I'm repulsed with his moral relativism that people have written off gangs like the SLA because people have "already said this is "just evil." Perhaps Mr. Ellison should consider the fact that the SLA and other 'gangs' are evil. Just ask yourself if this is the type of man you'd want voting on the key legislation of our time. I find it impossible to believe that serious, civic-minded people would choose such a man.

Let's not forget Ellison's troubles with mundane laws either:

Fact, from the mid 1990's until 2002 Ellison failed to pay his state or federal taxes. Because he was a sole proprietorship the lack of payment resulted in liens on his personal property.

Going half a decade of not paying state or federal taxes tell us something about Ellison's priorities. What they're telling us is that he doesn't think that compliance with this nation's laws are particularly important.

As mentioned earlier, Ellison's campaign has been plagued with problems. The Star Tribune reported today that Ellison has had trouble filing with the Campaign Finance Board and failed to pay the fines against him.

Keith Ellison's 'criminal triple crown':

  • Ellison thinks of murderers as civil rights champions;

  • Ellison doesn't pay his taxes for half a decade; and

  • he doesn't file things with the "Campaign Finance Board".

Simply put, this guy is an equal opportunity lawbreaker, whether it's local, state or federal laws. His 'indifference' is simply stunning. It's time that the people of MN-5 threw political correctness out the window for this election. Ellison simply isn't ready for primetime.

Originally posted Thursday, October 19, 2006, revised 09-Mar 9:00 AM

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