October 13, 2006 Posts

04:07 Candidate Values Forum Observations
23:26 Dr. Dean's Directive Misplaced?

Candidate Values Forum Observations

Let's start with who attended & who didn't. Barb Beniek wasn't able to attend because her mother is extremely ill & she was leaving to be with her today. Tarryl Clark & Diana Murphy Podawiltz declined their invitations. Larry Haws & Larry Hosch didn't show up & Patty Wetterling didn't respond to the invitation. In other words, none of the Democrats attended.

Now to the questions.

Q1 (Directed to U.S. House candidates) Would you vote to make the tax cuts permanent?

Michele Bachmann: Yes, she'll vote to make cuts permanent. She'd look for additional ways to cut taxes more. Michele also said that she authored TABOR, the TAxpayers Bill Of Rights.

Q2 (Directed to Minnesota state legislative office candidates) Would you support putting a cap on overall taxation in the state?

Tara Westby (HD-15A): supports the cap, says that it's important that government keeps its hands out of citizens' wallets.

Steve Gottwalt (HD-15B): Supports capping overall tax levels. Steve also emphasized the importance of prioritizing spending. Said that if families & businesses have to do that, there's no reason government shouldn't too.

Nate Stang HD-14B): Supports capping overall tax levels. Nate said that there's plenty of flexibility within the budget process to properly fund education & transportation priorities.

Dan Severson (14A): Supports capping overall tax levels. Rep. Severson pointed out (a) that we went from a $4.5 Billion deficit to a $1 Billion surplus without raising taxes & (b) the "other side" wanted to raise taxes by $4 BILLION AFTER the deficit had been solved, adding proof to my theory that Democrats are genetically programmed to raise taxes.

Michelle Fishbach (SD-14): Supports capping overall tax levels. Sen. Fishbach said that they're likely looking at cutting taxes with a predicted budget surplus.

Jeff Johnson (SD-15): Jeff said that it's important to improve the business climate in Minnesota, which he described as "chilly" right now. Jeff cited a friend who has a business in western Minnesota. His friend said that if Minnesota raises taxes again, he'd consider moving his business & jobs to South Dakota. I thought that was the most powerful response of the group.

Q3: (Directed to all candidates) Would candidates support taxpayer funding of abortions?

Everyone answered that they were opposed to taxpayer funding of abortions.

Jeff Johnson gave a particularly powerful answer, talking about "walking wounded". Jeff said that he met a woman while door-knocking who seemed to agree with him until she asked if he was pro choice. When Jeff identified himself as pro life, the woman told him about an abortion she'd had. Jeff said that her eyes & tone of voice told him that, "if it was possible for her to go back in time", that she'd choose differently.

Sens. Fishbach & Bachmann complimented each other on their voting their pro life positions & for their rock-solid voting records on "life issues". Sen. Fishbach stated that her husband is with MCCL. Sen. Bachmann said that "if God created that life, then it's a life worth protecting."

Nate Stang said that he was appalled with his opponent at a recent event. His opponent said that they should "stick with important issues." Nate said that, whether he's doorknocking, walking in parades or participating in forums & debates, he's found out how important being pro life is to people. Nate also said that it was "important to set our values in stone."

Steve Gottwalt said that our Founding Documents cited life, liberty & pursuit of happiness, with LIFE being the first priority. That response got a great round of applause. Steve also said that "the exception became the rule", citing how people ask "How can you force a woman who was a victim of rape or incest into carrying baby to term"? Steve said that "maybe 3% of all abortions are done on victims of rape or incest."

Q4: (Federal candidate) Immigration Enforcement

Sen. Bachmann said that she'd vote to enforce our borders; said that "Minnesota is the #9 place in nation for illegal aliens to come to" , said that that's because of "the great health care & education systems we have." Sen. Bachmann said that that's "the most visceral issue" on the campaign trail.

Q5: (Directed to State office candidates) Should parents have the right to be notified of medical treatment of minor children?

All said yes, that it's a parent's responsibility to know.

Steve Gottwalt said that it's his job "as a parent to make decisions for his minor children & to equip them to make sound decisions once they're adults."

Nate Stang said that "we get parents involved in education" & other things; it's only logical that we involve them in their children's health issues.

Dan Severson said that it's wrong to base policies on exceptions & that it's imperitive that parents be involved in their children's health issues.

Q6: (U.S. Congressional candidate) Would you vote for publicly funding embryonic stem cell research?

Sen. Bachmann: No. "Just from a secular standpoint, the best results are coming from adult stem cell research." She dismissed the notion that embryos are "potential human life." "Once egg is fertilized", she said, "it's human life; all that's different between embryo & a baby is nourishment, growth & time."

Q7: Directed to all candidates- Would you vote for DOMA?

All said yes. Sen. Bachmann said that the candidates attending "would carry the fight." "Hear what those that aren't here" are saying in absentia.

Sen. Fishbach: would vote for DOMA whenever it comes up; said that "the Senate should've voted on it" instead of hiding behind procedural votes.

Jeff Johnson said that initiative & referendum process is badly needed in Minnesota, implying that politicians thwart will of the people. Would vote for DOMA if elected.

Dan Severson: would vote for DOMA. Mr. Severson said that "we shouldn't change the standard just because we don't always live up to it." The standard should be the ideal, not what's easiest.

Tara Westby: very supportive; said that judiciary is out of control so citizens must have their voice heard.

Steve Gottwalt: It was wrong for Minnesotans to be prevented from voting on DOMA; would vote for DOMA if given the chance.

Q8-9 were directed at Sen. Bachmann, who had an early flight out in AM.

Q8: Do you support hate crimes legislation?

No. A crime is a crime. She isn't sure that it's (hate crimes) constitutional because of the Equal Protection clause.

Q9: Would you support immediate withdrawal of troops from Iraq?

Sen. Bachmann- emphatic no; we're "fighting an enemy like no other" ; global jihadists have declared their intentions; Chavez, Ahmadinejad, Kim Jung Il want US destroyed.

Q10: (Directed to all candidates) What one thing would you want voters to know about you?

Sen. Bachmann: I'm a flawed person; that she attended church when she was young because her parents took her; said that at the age of 16, she gave her life to Christ on Halloween. Now hope & redemption are part of her life.

Sen. Fishbach: Said that she likes to joke & have fun because life is meant to be enjoyed; said that she takes life seriously when life demands it.

Jeff Johnson: Said that he's running for office because he believes it's God's calling; said that he wasn't particularly interested in politics until he met President George H.W. Bush; said that that meeting awoke to his need to serve in public life.

Dan Severson: said that it was fun to see God call people to prayer; said that it's important for Christians to vote, that it's a gift AND responsibility.

Nate Stang: wanted people to know that his work ethic was ingrained in him at an early age; said that he grew up on a farm, working "in haylofts in 100 degree heat"; that he's always on the go; that he's a people person; loves solving problems.

Steve Gottwalt: said that it's hard to know where to begin; said that politics have become dirty word & it shouldn't be; said that values should drive politics; that he wants to make a difference; pointed out that public service was a sacrifice both from the candidate & from their families; "People stepping forward to serve is what made America great.

Tara Westby: wanted everyone to know that she reads her Bible every evening; that she's never done anything half-heartedly in her life; that she "has a reverence for democracy." BEST ANSWER OF THE NIGHT. (I can't wait until she's my representative.)

Other impressions from the night: I had the privilege of meeting Andy Hilger, one of the truly great newsmen in St. Cloud history. Andy is as nice as you could ask for & he's got a veteran newsman's eye for detail. His depth of knowledge was impressive.

We talked about how media in general had gone downhill. I said too much is geared towards ratings & not enough geared towards providing people with accurate information. Andy nodded in agreement. He said that he still loves reading the news & staying current. I hope that I run into Andy more often in the days & years to come. He's what I'd call an old-fashioned reporter , not a current generation "journalist out to change the world." We definitely agreed that the old media needed to regain the peoples' trust with simple old-fashioned trustworthy reporting.

I'd be remiss not to thank the people that helped put this event together. Nicole Severson chaired the meetings as the person delegated by the Minnesota Family Institute; for my pastor Art Cotant for his insight & input at the planning meetings & Cathy Jo Serverson, Nicole's effervescent mom & Dan Severson's wife, for her drive in pulling this all together.

I'd also like to thank Jim Schleper for his flawless work as moderator of the event. I told Nicole afterwards that it was like a well-officiated sporting event because the event had a nice smooth flow to it & nobody seemed to notice Jim's role in it until after the event.

In the interest of full disclosure, I was part of the planning committee, too. It was a delight working with everyone. I hope that we do this in 2008 again.

A number of people that I spoke with afterward were disappointed that the Democratic candidates didn't participate in the event. The consensus was that, even if they weren't likely to win votes, they should've viewed it as part of the 'job interview process'.

My perspective is that this proves that Democrats could't care less about the so-called values voters despite all the lip service that they give to that group of voters. Howard Dean's claims that they aren't writing off any group of voters anywhere in the country rings totally hollow after tonight.

From a purely political standpoint, it's hard imagining Patty Wetterling winning their House race. She's written off the business vote by (a) not showing up for any Chamber of Commerce debates anywhere in the district & (b) by promising to raise taxes "on anyone making $336,000 or more." She's written off the values voters with this snub. She's also written off the military vote by saying that we should get our troops out of Iraq by THIS Thanksgiving. As I told Andy Aplikowski tonight, she's culturally out of step with voters in this district, too.

Posted Friday, October 13, 2006 4:07 AM

August 2006 Posts

Comment 1 by Cathy Jo Severson at 18-Oct-06 03:39 PM
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Dr. Dean's Directive Misplaced?

What other explanation could there be for Scott Wells' statement following last night's Candidates Values Forum:
No DFL Party candidates attended. Some offered notice of prior commitments, but District 15 DFL Party Chairman Scott Wells was on hand to offer a news release from the DFL's District 14 and 15 organizing units decrying the forum as "a partisan event supporting Republican candidates." "The forum is sponsored by an organization which has, sadly, become partisan in nature, the Minnesota Family Council," the news release stated.
I guess Mr. Wells didn't get Dr. Dean's directive that Democrats would compete for values voters. After all, it's hard to persuade so-called values voters by ignoring them. It isn't possible that Dr. Dean wasn't serious since he's such a trustworthy, upstanding guy. Perhaps it's just that Mr. Wells' fax wasn't working that day? Or was it that Mr. Wells' voice mailbox on his cell phone was full?

Seriously, the fact that none of the Democratic candidates participated casts suspicions on Mr. Wells' motivation for attending. It suggests that this was a strategic move on their part. It isn't unreasonable to think that they'd always planned on mischaracterizing this event this way.
The Minnesota Family Council is being investigated for improper campaign activities in the Sept. 12 primary and for failing to file state lobbyist disclosure reports, Wells said in his news release. He also objected to the forum's location, as Johnson is a member at Joy Christian, and the fact that one of the event organizers, Nicole Severson, is the daughter of one of the candidates participating.
As someone who was on the planning committee, I can tell you from our meetings that we first looked into a number of places to hold it at, including Apollo High School & the St. Cloud Civic Center. When the other venues didn't work out, Joy Christian Center graciously stepped forward and agreed to hold the event.

I'm with my good friend King on this. What's so sinister about a church hosting an event titled the St. Cloud Candidates Values Forum and for a member of that church to be a candidate? Nothing is sinister about it. It's just something that partisan Democrats attacked Christians about. I'd further add that these attacks are motivated in the hope of gaining a political advantage.

Why haven't I heard Mr. Wells' denunciations when Democratic presidential candidates visited black churches the last few Sundays before presidential elections? How isn't that a more blatant display of partisanship than this event? What's Mr. Wells' explanation for that silence?

Mr. Wells' selective silence should be called for what it is: an in-your-face display of partisan hypocrisy. I'd encourage St. Cloud voters to remember that when they vote this November. (Sooner if they're voting absentee.)

Originally posted Friday, October 13, 2006, revised 14-Oct 9:31 AM

August 2006 Posts

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