Will Lieberman Caucus With Republicans in 2007?

Captain Ed thinks that that's what he'll do if he runs as an independent. I've long thought that myself. Having Captain Ed opining that way leads me to believe that I'm on the right track. David Broder's Sunday column in the Washington Post seems to have gotten Captain Ed thinking about that possibility.
In an interview, Lieberman sounded a note of nostalgia for the old days. "John Bailey genuinely believed that primaries were not only divisive but often didn't pass the ultimate test of finding the candidate who could win," he said. If Bailey were alive, his attitude would be, "We have an incumbent senator who is quite popular in the state; we have an opportunity to elect three Democratic congressional challengers; we have a very tough race for governor. Why would we want to challenge an incumbent senator who could lead the other candidates to victory?" The answer is simple: the war, which has lost support among Connecticut voters, especially those likely to vote in a Democratic primary in the heart of summer-vacation season.
This is further proof that the Kos influence is turning the Democratic Party into the "Let the Terrorists Run Free Party". Likely gone forever is the "Bear any burden" Democratic Party of the Kennedy era.
That was the point of a Wall Street Journal op-ed piece Lieberman wrote last November endorsing the president's announced strategy to defeat the insurgency and establish a democratic government in Iraq. That article infuriated Lamont and launched his candidacy. "It was decisive," Lamont told me in an interview. "Lieberman suggested that the critics were undermining the credibility of the president. I thought he was wrong."
"My opponent says it broke Democratic unity," Lieberman said. "Well, dammit, I wasn't thinking about Democratic unity. It was a moment to put the national interest above partisan interest."
If there's one thing that the American people don't like, it's that they don't like "party unity" if it means playing politics with the war. Regardless of the polling, the American people know that pulling out of Iraq now that we're there isn't the right thing to do.

Lamont can be infuriated all he wants but the truth is that he'll never represent Connecticut in the Senate. He's just the Kossacks' latest tool to pull the Democratic Party to the extremist pacifist left.

This move to the pacifist left is what will be the Democrats' demise this November. Everyone's been predicting doom and gloom this fall. I've never been of that mindset because I've never misunderestimated Democrats' ability to say totally boneheaded things to lose big elections. I've also never misunderestimated Mr. Rove's ability to frame issues to the GOP's advantage. This year won't be any different, thanks in large part to the Moonbats' outrageous statements.

Posted Saturday, June 17, 2006 8:03 PM

May 2006 Posts

Comment 1 by Jack at 18-Jun-06 09:57 PM
You state Democrats are the Party of Defeatism.

How about the party of seeing reality?

The Republicans, and especially the President, Rumsfeld, and the neocons who enginered the Iraq war,


They made the decisions, fudged the intelligence, ignored advice from the uniformed military.

Heh, your beloved Condi Rice, stated that THOUSANDS OF MISTAKES have been made in Iraq.

Do we have to make you suffer thru the old stupid claims of Republican idiots that-

--We would be greeted as liberators, that Iraqis would throw candy and flowers.

--Iraqi oil would pay for the reconstruction.

--We would only have to spend a few billion dollars..

Yeah, Its the Democrats defeatist talk that is dooming our effort in Iraq.. Not the consistently wrong decisions to get into this war, the criminal decision to try and fight it with not enough troops to secure the country after taking down Saddams govt and Baghdad, and not mobilizing the country to support the troops with armor vehicles, personal armor, enough ammo, etc. Not to mention a real push to either increse enlistments, or institute a draft so that we dont have to send the same soldiers to THREE OR FOUR DEPLOYMENTS IN COMBAT.. At one point in 2003, we had to buy 5.56 mm rifle/SAW ammo from the Isrealis.

This is pitiful. If this really is a clash of decades, a clash of the West against hard line Islamists, then where the hell was the MOBILIZATION OF THE COUNTRY? LIKE YOU, KNOW, IN WWII? Go read about the thousands of planes, tanks, ships, billions of tons of supplies and ammunition that the US supplied not just our own forces, but all of the allies...Not to mention building the atom bomb as the clincher. After 9-11, the nation was ready for just that.. And we were told to just go out and shop...

That would include increasing the size of the army and marines, providing armored vehicles better than the pathetic humvee (a great utility vehicle.. NOT DESIGNED TO BE A DECENT ARMORED VEHICLE). Hell, we have 15 thousand M-113 APCs in storage, and Anniston Army Depot has an upgrade program for them that provides better armor, anti RPG measures,etc. They have done about 800 of them.. FOR THE IRAQI ARMY. WHAT ABOUT OUR SOLDIERS, STILL RATTLING AROUND IN HUMVEES?

I'm old enough to have lived thru the Vietnam era.. And a lot of conservatives then decided about 69-70 that if the Feds were not going to fight the damnd war right, then we should get the hell out of it.. Today's conservatives seem to be reinacting Kevin Bacons role in Animal house.. shreking "all is well" except for the media and the democrats.

I think that is why this democrat is ready to get the troops out.. Because you Republican idiots have proven you are murderously incompetent.

Because you are trying to fight a war and give tax cuts at the same time, WHICH NO OTHER GROUP IN 5000 YEAR OF RECORDED HISTORY HAS EVER TRIED TO DO.. most counties at war usually RAISE TAXES to pay for wars.. But NOooo, Bush and his INCOMPETENTS KNOW BEST??

Meanwhile, Afghanistan is slipping into big problems, the Taliban has gone from squad size units to BATTALION SIZE (for you idiots, that is from about 10 man units to 300+), and Afghanistan is again the world leader in heroin poppies. The sale of which FUND THE TALIBAN. Great job there, Bushies. BTW, where is Osama? Geez, by just about this time in WWII, Hilter was dead...

Let's not forget the sheer waste of the war.. not just in the dead, the broken bodies, but the contractor greed heads.. the fact that in the CPA's short life, it managed to LOOSE TRACK OF 9 BILLION DOLLARS OUT OF A TOTAL BUDGET OF 27 BILLION.

It use to be that Republicans were the party of fiscal responsiblity.. But since 1981, every one of your repub admins has run up the debt big time. When's the last time the budget was balanced? ..Back in the LBJ admin, and then for THREE YEARS IN THE CLINTON ADMINISTRATION.

If the demos would stop whining with each other and get a pair, the simple truth is that they have become the responsible, good government party, and the Repubs have become spendthrifts and grafters, just like back in the Gilded Age... Did you see the latest about the Denny Hastert land deals near the new parkway? a cool 1.5 million on property that was cheap until Denny managed to route the new parkway by it....

And Duke Cunningham in jail for 2 mill in bribes, Abramoff, Delay.. Oh, let's not forget the shining example of FEMA and Katrina.. Great job there, bushies.. Contractors gulping down big dollops of graft, and half of New Orleans population still scattered to the winds..

When you guys arent incompetent, many of you are thieves.

So, keep deluding yourselves that all is well.. I think in November you are going to get a BIG suprise. ..

Comment 2 by otis29 at 11-Aug-06 05:21 PM
Wow, I must have walked into the "Wishful Thinking" blog.

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