Too Little, Too Late

That's a scary liberal's, Dave Foster, chairman of Alliance for a Better Minnesota, opinion. What's scary about his statement is that he's talking about Minnesota's job creation for the second quarter of 2006. Here's a look at the statistics:
Minnesota's job growth in the second quarter of 2006 accounted for 10 percent of the nation's overall job creation and was the biggest quarterly gain in 22 years, Minnesota officials said Tuesday. In June, the final month of the quarter, there were 14,700 jobs created, involving increases in nine of the 11 job sectors monitored by the state.

Year-over-year job growth, as of June, was 2.7 percent, nearly double the national rate of 1.4 percent, according to figures released by the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED). The state's unemployment rate, meanwhile, fell one-tenth of a point, to 3.6 percent.
Of course, liberals couldn't let all that good news go without painting a doom and gloom picture:
DFL chair Brian Melendez said the increase in jobs was the result of productive workers and job owners, not the Pawlenty administration, and he criticized the governor for college tuition increases that he said will make it more difficult for Minnesota students to compete in the workplace. "We need a leader to not just take credit for others' hard work, but one that will make sure that the ladder of success isn't pulled up out of the reach of the next generation, like Pawlenty is trying to do," Melendez said.
The Democrats' class warfare whining is long past old. It's pathetic and it's intellectually feeble. You'll notice that Melendez doesn't cite any specifics to bolster his claims. All he did was whine, which is what Democrats typically do when Republicans achieve positive goals. If that's what you're looking for in a political party, then vote Democrat.

However, if you're a optimistic, can do type of person, then your only choice is voting Republican.

Posted Friday, July 21, 2006 3:08 PM

June 2006 Posts

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