The Lieberman Hit Squad Emerges

DeWayne Wickham has written a column that amounts to a lunatic's view of the Lieberman-Lamont general election. Here's a sampling of Mr. Wickham's stupidity:
But Lieberman is not the party's savior. He's its nightmare. Lieberman is an anti-Democrat Democrat, a fifth columnist who has chosen to flout the will of Connecticut's primary voters by filing papers to compete as an independent in the general election. "For the sake of our state, our country and my party, I cannot and will not let that result stand," he said of his loss to Ned Lamont, a newcomer who waged a largely anti-war campaign against the three-term senator.

Lieberman has called Lamont an extremist. And to prove it, he told O'Brien caustically that Lamont's "No. 1 supporter" is Maxine Waters. She's a Democratic member of the House of Representatives from California whose passionate representation of her constituents Lieberman apparently thinks is more of a threat to the Democratic Party than his act of political defiance.
Mr. Wickham is a male version of Eleanor Clift: a card-carrying member of the Left's lunatic fringe and a media apologist for the Left's lunatic fringe. For him to say that Maxine Waters who represents "her constituents" passionately is ludicrous is utter nonsense. Ms. Waters is a whack job nutcase that makes Cynthia McKinney look moderate. Here's a glimpse at Ms. Waters' quotes:
"Policy, for the most part, has been made by white people in America, not by people of color. And they have tended to take care of those things that they think are important. Whether it's their agricultural subsidies, or other kinds of expenditures that are certainly not expenditures for poor people or for people of color. And so we have to band together and keep fighting back."
Here's another Waters quote:
"We're building a growing movement against the war in Iraq that will give people who feel uncomfortable about the war a place to share their concerns and discuss and work through a solution, should it be immediate withdrawal or an exit strategy. We want to build a consensus that we want to get out."
And another :
"They are already working on the articles of impeachment. They know where they are going. No, they are not going to allow any censure motion. They do not care...what evidence is presented by the White House or anybody else."
This is the pillar of integrity and wisdom that Mr. Wickham is propping up. And he's castigating Sen. Lieberman as being outside the mainstream? Riiiiight.
Most Senate Democrats voted for the Iraq war before the Bush administration's claim that Saddam Hussein had stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction proved bogus. But Lieberman still says the administration's war was the right thing to do, a view not widely held among his Democrat colleagues.
Mr. Wickham doesn't even bother to consider the possibility that Mr. Lieberman just might be right because of his gaping ideological blindspot. Shame on him for that.
But now that voters have given him the boot, Lieberman is in no mood for making concessions. He's still pursuing his political insurgency even though many national Democratic leaders have endorsed Lamont. "But the battle goes on," Lieberman told O'Brien, "and now it's among Democrats, Republicans and independents. And I'm carrying it on because Lamont really represents polarization and partisanship."

What Lieberman didn't say is that Lamont's candidacy also represents the wishes of Connecticut's Democratic Party voters, who Lieberman apparently thinks have drifted "far from the mainstream of American life."
Who cares if last Tuesday's election shows the Democratic Party's preference? The state constitution allows for candidates like Lieberman to find out the will of the people, be they Democrats, Republicans or Independents. If Mr. Wickham doesn't think that should be the law, then he should 'write his congressman'. That is if he's from Connecticut. If he isn't, then he should just shut up or just whine to his friends.

The truth is that Wickham is just like the rest of the liberals who are trying to chase Lieberman from the election. He's really just afraid that Lieberman will win, thereby deflating the Nutroots' current jubilation.

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Posted Tuesday, August 15, 2006 12:19 PM

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