Responding To CAIR

This afternoon, CAIR issued this statement:
"American Muslims have consistently condemned all acts of terrorism, whether carried out by individuals, groups or states. We repudiate anyone who plans or carries out a terrorist act. The American Muslim community remains dedicated to the protection of our nation's security...

"Unfortunately, your statement this morning that America 'is at war with Islamic fascists' contributes to a rising level of hostility to Islam and the American-Muslim community. Just today, Gallup released a poll indicating that four out of ten Americans feel 'prejudice' toward Muslims.

See: Anti-Muslim Sentiments Fairly Commonplace

"You have on many occasions said Islam is a 'religion of peace.' Today you equated the religion of peace with the ugliness of fascism. The use of ill-defined hot button terms such as 'Islamic fascists,' 'militant jihadism,' 'Islamic radicalism,' or 'totalitarian Islamic empire,' harms our nation's image and interests worldwide, particularly in the Islamic world. It feeds the perception that the war on terror is actually a war on Islam...

"American Muslims stand ready to serve as a bridge of understanding to the Islamic world. We can best fulfill that role by offering advice that can help prevent misperceptions and misunderstandings between different nations and cultures."
To Ibrahim Hooper:

Mr. Hooper, Your equating what President Bush said with branding all Muslims as fascists isn't credible. Only a guilty person would think that way. What would you call Muslims who think like 1930's fascists? Hitler's hostility towards Jews is very similar to Al Qaida's, Hezbollah's, Hamas' and Iran's mindset. I've visited numerous organizations' websites where it's stated that elimination of Israel is a goal. How isn't that similar to Hitler's thinking?

It's nice reading that "American Muslims stand ready to serve as a bridge of understanding to the Islamic world." That said, I'm not interested in understanding that part of the Islamic world that wants Israel eliminated. Instead, I'll call them Islamic fascists because that's what that segment of Islam is.

Furthermore, I'd give you alot more credit if you didn't have a history of sympathizing with known terrorists like this:
Senator Schumer stated that prominent members of CAIR, referring specifically to Nihad Awad and Omar Ahmed, have "intimate links with Hamas." Later, he remarked that "we know [CAIR] has ties to terrorism."
And again here:
In late July, I contacted Ibrahim Hooper, spokesman and director of communication at the Council of American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). When he returned my call, he presented his point of view about the Arab-Israeli conflict and militant Islam. When I reminded him about CAIR's record of openly supporting Hamas, Hizbullah, and other organizations deemed by the government to be terrorists, he replied by telling me that "CAIR does not support these groups publicly ."
and this:

CAIR is calling on Los Angeles-based KCOP Television, Inc., channel 13, to remove billboards deemed offensive to Muslims. The billboards, reportedly seen in Los Angeles, Orange County, San Gabriel, and other cities, feature a picture of Usama Bin Laden with the headline "the sworn enemy."

Mr. Hooper, methinks thou doest protest too much. If you're going to be in the public arena, you need thicker skin and a cleaner record.

Posted Friday, August 11, 2006 9:02 PM

July 2006 Posts

Comment 1 by Terror-Free Oil at 18-Aug-06 03:29 PM
FNC, 8/14/6 Islamofascist CAIR Doesn't Like the Term " Islamic Fascist" - video

FNC, 8/12/6 CAIR Terrorist Apologist Blames Israel - video

Comment 2 by terrorfree at 20-Aug-06 06:57 PM
Islamofascist CAIR Doesn't Like the Term "Islamic Fascist": FNC video, 8/14/6

CAIR Terrorist Apologist Blames Israel, FNC video, 8/12/6

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