Kerry, Feingold Make Case Against Bush's Iraq Policy

At least that's what they attempted to do in this Honolulu Advertiser op-ed piece. They failed miserably in their attempt.
The true mistake would be for the United States to continue the administration's aimless, open-ended course in Iraq.
They say that the Bush administration has set us on an "aimless, open-ended course. That doesn't pass the laugh test. Later in the article, they said:
"The Bush administration's stated goal is 272,566 Iraqi security forces."
"Iraqi politicians have proven they only respond to deadlines, a deadline to transfer authority, deadlines to hold two elections and a referendum and a deadline to form a government."
Training troops and eventually turning over total security to Iraqis after holding elections, writing and ratifying a Constitution sounds like the Bush administration has a clear plan. I'm certain that Sens. Kerry and Feingold don't like that plan. I'm equally certain that they'd like to ignore the administration's plan.

If they wouldn't have said that President Bush didn't have a plan, they might've had some credibility. Instead, they made the mistake all whining Democrats make: reciting a list of over the top statements to please their Kossack puppetmasters. It's a pathetic sight.

Posted Saturday, July 22, 2006 11:34 AM

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