I Regrettably Agree

Ted Kennedy said today that voting against "the Iraq war the best he has cast since being elected in 1962." With him casting so many votes against a strong defense of our nation, I'd sadly agree with Sen. Kennedy.
The Massachusetts Democrat also predicted that his party would regain control of both chambers of Congress this fall. "Americans aren't looking for big government or small government, liberal government or conservative government. They're looking most of all for competent government," Kennedy told delegates gathered for the start of the state Democratic convention.
Sen. Kennedy is whistling past the graveyard on that one. For all the pessimistic predictions for Republicans, we're still more trusted on the major issues of the day.
  • Does anyone think that the American people prefer lower taxes over higher taxes?
  • Do people really think that Democrats, who haven't said how they'd fight the GWOT other than Murtha's "immediate withdrawal" plans, are serious about the GWOT? Get serious.
  • Anyone think that Ted Kennedy's 'let's start with amnesty, then let's open the borders' plan is nearer to the American peoples' views? Poll after poll shows that the American peoples' three biggest worries are securing the border, securing the border and securing the border.
  • Does anyone outside the Beltway think more highly of the Dodd Amendment, which mandates that the U.S. hold consultations with Mexico before building a border wall, than the Sessions Amendment which mandates the building of 370 miles of walling?
At the end of the day, those are the biggest reasons why Democrats won't win control of the House or Senate.

Posted Friday, June 2, 2006 11:41 PM

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