Hayden Confirmed

The AP's Katherine Shrader is reporting that the Senate has confirmed Gen. Michael Hayden as the next Director of the CIA. He was approved by a vote of 78-15.
President Bush, in a written statement, applauded Hayden's confirmation. "Winning the war on terror requires that America have the best intelligence possible, and his strong leadership will ensure that we do," he said. "Gen. Hayden is a patriot and a dedicated public servant whose broad experience, dedication and expertise make him the right person to lead the CIA at this critical time." At his confirmation hearing, Hayden sought to assure lawmakers he would be independent from his military superiors but said he would consider how his uniform affects his relationship with CIA personnel. If it were to get in the way, he said, "I'll make the right decision."
I hope that Gen. Hayden's top priority is to continue cleaning out those agents and analysts who put personal political agendas ahead of the collection and analysis of intelligence. The CIA's war with the Bush administration is well-documented. They've tried undercutting his every decision. That's gotta stop, especially since they aren't doing a competent job.

Posted Friday, May 26, 2006 10:09 AM

Comment 1 by let freegum wing at 26-May-06 12:33 PM
It's time to get on your knees and apologize to Jack Murtha. Our boys killed innocent civilians at Haditha. How could this horrible thing happen? Not because a war hero like Jack Murtha said it did. Not because the media reported it. Answer: Bush's boy Rummy (and his neo-dunces) shunned the Powell Doctrine. You know, that old fashioned notion about using overwhelming force and having an exit strategy, or at least a CLUE? It's time to post a heartfelt apology to Murtha. And it's time to start seeing who the real villains are in this country. Wake up!

Comment 2 by let freegum wing at 26-May-06 12:33 PM
It's time to get on your knees and apologize to Jack Murtha. Our boys killed innocent civilians at Haditha. How could this horrible thing happen? Not because a war hero like Jack Murtha said it did. Not because the media reported it. Answer: Bush's boy Rummy (and his neo-dunces) shunned the Powell Doctrine. You know, that old fashioned notion about using overwhelming force and having an exit strategy, or at least a CLUE? It's time to post a heartfelt apology to Murtha. And it's time to start seeing who the real villains are in this country. Wake up!

Comment 3 by peteathome at 26-May-06 02:01 PM
Murtha tirade:

Come out of anonymity and publically apologize like a man for slandering a decorated marine.

Otherwise, this blog will loose all credibility and respect.

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