Granholm Is Screwed

How do I know this? Well, (a) she's trailing Dick DeVos in all the latest polling and, more importantly, (b) she had to resort to having a fundraising visit by John Kerry. Imagine the indignity of having to resort to such a third tier never was as Kerry.

Seriously, I've seen this race as heading downhill for Granholm since May. Kerry showing up is another reason why Republicans are in much better shape than the Agenda Media will ever admit. Republicans can bring in a Giuliani or McCain or Rove or Laura Bush or Lynne Cheney, all of whom appeal to more than the mythical Republican base. Kerry doesn't even inspire Democrats, much less expand the non-existent Democratic base. (Yes, I know about the Nutroots gang but I'd bet that Democrats would rather not have to deal with them. Welcome to campaign finance reform, Dems.)

When you look at the Democrats' 'big guns' to send out the last month, they're all polarizing figures. Hillary? Bill? Schumer? Reid? Pelosi? Oh yeah, that's a bunch with appeal. The only Democrat that has any appeal is Barack Obama and he can't be everywhere.

Let's remember, too, that the last month of a campaign is crucial. As Mr. Rove told the MOB bloggers, the notion of a base election is silly. You win by constantly expanding your base by appealing to more people. And that's where Democrats suffer. By mid-October, I suspect that we'll be playing on an ever-shrinking map for Democrats and an expanding map of opportunities for Republicans.

That's why Ms. Granholm and Ms. Stabenow are both heading for defeats.

Posted Monday, July 24, 2006 1:21 AM

June 2006 Posts

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