Georgia Attempting to Eliminate Voter Fraud

Of course that isn't how Democrats see it but that's what the Georgia legislature has done. Here's the details:
Georgia voters must present government-issued photo identification to cast a ballot in the primary election, which is less than three weeks away, the State Election Board said Thursday. The U.S. Department of Justice cleared the law Wednesday, and the elections board decided to require IDs for the July 18 primary despite concerns about whether there was time to educate voters.
Of course, Democrats wasted no time to get on the wrong side of this issue:
The board's lone Democrat blasted the decision to move forward without an education outreach targeting those who lack a photo ID issued by the Georgia Department of Drivers Services. "It's a shame and it's an embarrassment to this state," David Worley said.
Mr. Worley, it isn't a shame or embarrassment to require a valid ID to vote. It's a shame and an embarrassment to let voter fraud go unchecked. Democrats are using this legislation to rally support in the African American community. In the end, it won't matter because more people are on the GOP's side on this.

Posted Thursday, June 29, 2006 11:52 PM

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