Bush's To-Do List

Columnist Joel Connelly has a to-do list for President Bush when he visits Washington later this week. The best thing he can do, in my opinion, is raise money for Steve Beren, who's challenging Washington's moonbat 'representative for life' Baghdad Jim McDermott. While I'd put it as President Bush's top priority, Mr. Connelly puts it as his second highest priority. Here's what Mr. Connelly said:
2) Lifting Spirits: President Bush might put a second fundraiser on the agenda. Given that ex-President Clinton is raising money for Rep. Jim McDermott, Bush might boost GOP House hopeful Steve Beren. The spirited Beren is challenging Seattle's congressman-for-life and its one-party reputation. The Emerald City used to elect Republicans: A two-party system is badly needed. It could use a presidential boost.
I totally agree with Mr. Connelly's point that Washington State could use a viable two-party system. Besides, I've had the privilege of interviewing Mr. Beren. He's an impressive candidate and man. Washington's CD-7 constituents have done far worse for far too long. It's time they got a genuine representative who looked out for their values, not the far left's values.

Posted Monday, June 12, 2006 10:02 PM

May 2006 Posts

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