Where are the Gulags?

According to this IBD article, the EU has officially concluded that there never were any secret CIA prisons in Eastern Europe.
Would The Washington Post and reporter Dana Priest return the Pulitzer Prize that was awarded just last week for the Post's coverage of those prisons? Not likely. They'd be far more likely to employ the Dan Rather/CBS fake-but-accurate defense.

While Priest and the Post bask in the sheen of a just-minted Pulitzer, the European Union's anti-terror chief said Thursday that even after more than 50 hours of testimony he has been unable to confirm a that single secret "rendition" prison exists in Europe. It's noteworthy that it wasn't 50-plus hours of testimony from Bush- and Blair-friendly witnesses. It was from rights advocates and the very people who claim they had been kidnapped by CIA agents. "We've heard all kinds of allegations," Gijs de Vries said in a European Parliament committee hearing. "It does not appear to be proven beyond reasonable doubt."
Everyone knows that Europe isn't George Bush's shill. That's what makes this report noteworthy. This wasn't an investigation chaired by a neocon. This was an investigation that a semi-hostile organization conducted. They weren't likely to pull any punches.
The squeamish and the moral-cultural relativists among us are horrified that in our war against terrorists the U.S. might practice renditions, where a suspect is captured and rendered to a country where the law allows interrogators to use harsher methods than they are able to in the U.S. Not us. We understand that we are in a life-and-death struggle with radical Islamists and refuse to be all broken up over possible violations of their "rights."
Let the squeamish scream. I couldn't care less. If we're getting information that's keeping us safe, then I'm all for it within reason. Letting squeamish people set policy on this is the fastest way to get innocents killed.

Remember that these aren't timid, thin-skinned people we're dealing with. Playing nice is the surest way to guarantee them not telling us what we need to know to keep our troops and our homeland safe.

That's an approach we can't afford to take.

Cross-posted at California Conservative

Posted Saturday, April 22, 2006 11:58 PM

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