The Barnes Shakeup

The 'Barnes Shakeup' has begun so it's only right that he's written something about it. It's fun seeing that he agrees with me about Rove's liberation.

Here's Mr. Barnes observation:
In the mini-shuffle announced yesterday, Rove was a winner. No longer will he have to honcho a tedious policy process at the White House, which he's been doing in President Bush's second term. He now will resume the freewheeling role and significant, but limited, responsibilities he held during the first term. At the moment, he has two broad responsibilities: handling macro issues like taxes and immigration and planning for the election on November 7.
Here's how I characterized the move:
Fineman's characterization seems a bit melodramatic to me. Yes, Rove is giving up his policymaking powers. That's something I expected once election season rolled around. It's only logical that he'd use Rove as a policy adviser after re-inauguration, then return him to his role as “The Architect" when the elections neared.
This is a win-win-lose situation. Rove wins because he's more of a hands-on executive than he is a minute-by-minute administrator. The GOP wins because Rove's full attention is tuned into developing a winning plan for this November's elections. The only loser in all this is the Democrats.

And we like Democrats losing around these parts.

Cross-posted at California Conservative

Posted Thursday, April 20, 2006 11:28 AM

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