Reid's Support Slipping

That isn't surprising considering how little attention Reid was given before becoming the Minority Leader. Now that he's in the headlines daily, people are figuring out just how silly his policies are. Here's what the Las Vegas Review-Journal poll showed:
The percentage of Nevada voters who viewed the Democratic senator favorably dropped by 10 percentage points since 2004 to 43 percent, while the number who viewed him unfavorably increased 14 points to 39 percent...
It doesn't require rocket science to figure out why his numbers are plummeting. As Minority Leader, he's bragged about killing the Patriot Act, stood in the way of immigration reform so that Chuck Schumer could campaign on that this fall, been implicated in the Abramoff Scandal and opposed drilling in ANWR while gas prices jumped. In short, he's learning that policies matter and that Democratic policies aren't appealing.

It doesn't help to be associated with Nancy Pelosi, John Murtha and Howard Dean. For that matter, it doesn't help to be tied to Ted Kennedy, Barb Boxer and Hillary, either.
Reid spokeswoman Sharyn Stein said the senator "is willing to take gutsy and sometimes controversial stands in his fight for change...rather than following polls."
Talk about chutzpah. I might never live to see the day that a Democrat's position isn't formed solely by polling data and focus groups. The exceptions to that are their positions on Roe v. Wade and the environment.

These 'rules' don't apply to Joe Lieberman because he actually has a spine and a brain, two things that Reid's missing.

Cross-posted at California Conservative

Posted Thursday, April 20, 2006 10:53 PM

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