Moonbats in Vermont?

Who would've thunk it? Why would anyone think that a state that's represented by Bernie Sanders, an unabashed socialist, Patrick Leahy, Jumpin' Jim Jeffords and who elected Howard Dean would be Moonbat Central? Based on this AP article, Vermont's legislature is thinking about starting impeachment proceedings against President Bush.
Democratic committees in at least half of the state's 14 counties have passed resolutions calling for impeachment, citing a rule in "Jefferson's Manual," a book of parliamentary guidelines written by Thomas Jefferson that supplements U.S. House rules.

The anti-Bush movement is "genuinely bubbling up from the grass roots," said Jon Copans, the state party's executive director. The state Democratic committee is scheduled to decide the issue in a special meeting April 8. The resolutions accuse the Bush administration of lying about the case for war in Iraq and illegally engaging in electronic surveillance of Americans. They rely on "Jefferson's Manual," which says impeachment proceedings can begin "by charges transmitted from the legislature of a state."
It's insulting that these idiots are even thinking about something like this. This is a political stunt and these idiots should pay dearly for their shenanigans. They're bringing charges but they don't have firsthand understanding of the NSA intercept program.

As for the charges of "lying America into war", these moonbats won't take proof for an answer. This week, documents were brought forward that show that even the Iraqi generals thought Saddam had WMD's. If they thought he had them, should we think that President Bush knew differently?

What this boils down to is the vilest form of Bush-hatred. It isn't about what they think is right or wrong. It's about hating the current symbol of their not being in power. And it's gotta stop. PRONTO.

It's vital that Americans learn that impeachment of President Bush is right around the corner if Democrats recapture the House. Turning any part of the federal government to Democrats means that you're turning power over to people who are heavily invested in America's failure on multiple fronts. That isn't leadership. That's the first step to this nation's destruction.

Cross-posted at California Conservative

Posted Wednesday, March 29, 2006 2:33 AM

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