Entering the Twilight Zone

That's the only title I can think of that does justice to what you're about to read. Last night, I visited All Things Beautiful (one of my favorite blogs by the way) and found Alexandra had posted some comments from Kos that were directed at Nancy Pelosi. Enjoy the mindlessness.

House Min Leader Pelosi posts at Daily Kos, promoting her resolution "to hold the Republican Rubber Stamp Congress accountable for its abuse of power and ethical lapses." The first comment is a positive one: "Once again, I'm glad you're my representative. Keep the heat on, and turn it up!"

letsfight: "I am sorry, but the fact that you posted here, just all random and all, and have the AUDACITY to say 'the gloves are off'? Lordy...you are really out of touch."

Nestor Mekhnow: "Count me out Nancy and tell John, since you are so involved in the Senate's affairs and all, that he is as clueless as you...The netroots are gonna send you packing lady."

beseiged by bush hopes the post wasn't just a cut-and-paste from a DCCC fundraising email.

modchick65: "I want to support Nancy Pelosi, and I do appreciate the opportunity at dialogue. But she's got to get it together first."

One commenter tells Minority Leader Pelosi that the Daily Kos is "not her own personal press release piggybank", another calls her "a troll".

Here is a selection of some of the best:

Put it this way, the last pic I have of you in my mind is watching you try to deal with the anti-war constituents in your district during a recent townhall. You looked downright scared. You should be. There is no possible way that we can allow you to remain dem house leader, ESP if we become the majority in November." -By letsfight

"You, Rep. Pelosi, and many of your fellow Democratic leaders left Sen. Feingold to twist in the wind. I find it a bit galling your coming here and asking for cheers when you publicly questioned his call to arms." - By downandout

"pack your bags and go home" - By Teresahill

"When I see you on television calling the President "a liar;" when I see you up in the faces of House Republicans and screaming your head off about their wreckless abuses of power; when I hear you tell the American people in no uncertain terms that "the Republicans are a bunch of crooks and thieves who have flushed our country down the toilet;" then, Congresswoman, I will believe that you have put your fighting gloves ON."

Don't even get me started on what it would take to make me believe you're taking them off. You and the rest of the Democratic leadership are nothing but milquetoast.[...]I hate to be disrespectful to you, House Minority Leader, but quite frankly you haven't done anything to earn my respect lately"

- by Richard Carlucci

"You and Reid simply represent more of the same incompetence and utter spinelessness of the Democratic Party that is just adrift in a sea of it." - By Citizen J

lawstudent922 words the overall feeling: "Shame on you for refusing to come out in support of Feingold"

My personal favorite:

"Sorry Ms Pelosi, but your announcement that you're going to get REAL angry and, well, do nothing about it, rings like a gong in the back of a symphony orchestra." - By HollywoodOz

"You, Feinstein, Bayh, Lieberman, Biden, Clinton, Salazar, McCain, Obama...all pathetic spineless losers. Karl Rove has beaten you up so badly that you no longer have the spine to stand up straight for what's right. You're whipped. Time to hang 'em up and bring in someone who's up for the fight." - By timba

"Respectfully Mr. Pelosi, you're part of the problem. DC Democrats such as yourself are part of a culture that combines timidity and hubris." - intrepid liberal

Posted Saturday, April 8, 2006 8:18 AM

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